Probably to knock her out or some crap.
To hit her with. Naw duh. Forum Statistics Threads: 12,106, Posts: 299,674, Members: 10,072, Active Members: 3,644 It would be impossible for him to post that much, if you looked at his profile when he had that many posts it would have said he had to post 1.9 million times a day or something XD If you've been posting mainly in Spam Zone for a while then that's why your post count hasn't increased. They don't count here [for obvious reasons]
Everyone knows I'm a geek, but I don't get teased for it. Actually my friend Mike and I made the terms "pwn" "noobcake" "frag" and other gamer phrases popular in our school. lol, Farking posers have no idea where the terminology is derived from, but they say it anyway. If anything it's one more thing to associate with people. I think everyone I know is aware I play Kingdom Hearts, though they couldn't care less. My school as a whole is kind of geeky. The last dance we had Matt brought in his PS3 and I brought in my 360 so more than half the school was just having DOA4 and VF5 tournaments. Our school dances consist of suck and fail, so it's not any wonder. They played "Push It" or whatever the hell that song is by Corbin Bleu. PUSH IT. JESUS CHRIST, I'M SO GLAD I DIDN'T GO. Me and Ashley stood outside the doors of the gym singing along in horrendous voices and a mocking fashion before going to back to the tournament we had going in the library. X3
I was just joking. I seriously cannot stand Furry crap or beastality. D:
I am lonely.
I AM PRINCESS OF ALL FUJOSHI AND OTAKU SLUM [I have to give the title of Queen to Fal-chan on the MT forums]
Oh lawd. X3 I probably have a few pics of her in my ecchi folder, would you rather I PMed or emailed them? DA: 4chan hates almost all Death Note pr0nz now. /y/ is completely sick of LxLight stuff, no one in /e/ ever posts Misa, and no one in /r/ cares. :L
Teru makes me giggle.
The hair is something I didn't really know what to do with. I agree with you though, it looks very papery and conformed. On such rare occasion does manga or anime show straight cuts for long hair, and now I know why. Because it just doesn't look good when you try to manipulate it, and then we get origami X3 Creepier the bettar :L I tend to be the same way. XL I'm heterosexual, but I absolutely love making fanservicey girls in my drawings. Thanks, and I desperately need to get some Prismacolor markers. [alcohol base markers are <3] I have some colored pencils...I'll make a copy of the orig. and color that.
No, I think they were just examples worthy of mention. I agree, it completely depends on the situation. There are obvious levels of wrong, whatever they are suggests how much resent should be held for them. I wouldn't say RAGE, but rather a osrt of resentment. Rage in itself is a childish thing to grasp.
Oh god, I was having a somewhat school inappropriate conversation at the *perfect* time today. Don't ask how Dillon, Matt, and I got into this conversation. X3 I have no idea. Matt: I go for older women. I like the experienced type. Me: So you're a MILF guy? *laughing* You do know you would be considered underage right? *simultaneously teacher walks by* *Dillon stares at me* *Matt pinches the bridge of his nose* *Dillon starts laughing hysterically* *Ditto above me* *Ditto above Matt* Teacher: Wha-...Do I want to know?... *we continue laughing* *the class is vexed in confusion* Teacher to Matt: Was that directed towards you..? Matt: Yes, yes it was. *I laugh even harder* Teacher: I didn't want to know.... Me: *laughing* Then why did you inquire? *laughing* Teacher: I'd like to know that myself... I'm assuming this was pretty awkward for her considering the fact that she's a twenty-five year old mom and fairly attractive. HILARIOUS AS FARKIN' HELL THOUGH [you guys do know what MILF is, right?]
Uuuuuupdate~ Okay, I'm about 2 1/2 hours past promised time, but considering some of the estimates for updates in CC for fanfics I think I did fairly well. :L Reference Yet another IOSYS piece~ This is a fairly dark song with a bit of twinkle to it. I'm thinking giving her pure black eyes helped this somewhat. I wanted a moe girl, but the edge of the song as well, considering it's titled "Border of Death". I spent more timing with detail on this one, since I'm not going to be able to color anything for a while. Tried to clean it up pretty well, there are a few non erasable marks and such, but hence the term 'sketch'. :p Okay, when you first see this the perspective might kind of shock you. Yeah, I know it looks really inaccurate, but according to my cousin Ricky with a blah blah lens at etcetera etcetera angle it's somewhat plausible. Just let your mind marinate in it for a bit, it will seem correct after a while. *snerk* I have two versions: one shows better detail in the drawing, but the inverted one helps provoke the atmosphere of the song at a greater level [or so I'm portraying it to]. Yet again, I have managed to draw BABEH HANDS D: I think it kind of works with this perspective though...Her skirt is in fact, made of transperanty tutu lacy crap. For some unknown reason I felt there needed to be some *** in this picture. Well, I know Gohan won't complain at least~ And it's good to be home with my curves. :3 FULL VERSION YOU MUUUUUST VIEW. I'm posting the full because you can't really see the detail of the axe in the reduced one. [the axe is one of my favorite parts of this character]
The kimono you have them dressed in is leaning more on the style for females.... Anyway, for cultural accuracy, your excess obi-jime is dropped onto his front. In Japanese culture, this would be similar to the bow in the back of your dress being untied and hanging. For evening kimono and even some yukata that require an obi-jime one would tuck the strings into the side of the already wrapped obi cord. Also: Now that I look at Sora, it appears as though his obi backwards. X3 It looks like he tied the obi in the front. Moreover it looks like the style a maiko would wear, a tare obi, rather than a males. Were you kind of going for the cross dressing look...? If you keep the obi that way I'd highly suggest that you rid of obi's dangling part, as an obi tied in the front indicates a prostitute. ;3
I never make lanky girls. When I see a drawing of a lanky girl, it seems to give a more delicate feel to the whole image. I think I miserably failed at the lankiness though X3. My next sketch is like %90 done. Don't worry, I gave her some curves this time :p [you would not believe how much better it looks in my corner of style]. I would have had it done, but it involves a chain. I AM NEVER DRAWING ANYTHING WITH A CHAIN AGAIN. It takes like ten minutes for a nice one. I spent about seven hours on this one too. I did more shading and depth, because my pen totally gave out on me and it'll be awhile till I get to Best Buy. A friend of mine and I were going to go to Costco yesterday [which is right next to BB], but something came up. Yeah, it sounds weird that we were going to Costco for fun, but there's this really hot guy there who works there and is gay [Or so I have inferred after the incident where he presented positive comments on my jeans and shoes]. However, we are in denial of this supposed fact and try to flirt with him anyway. Yes, we are pathetic. XD I'm so sorry you can't go to CompUSA. ;_; Oh, and I have to warn you, this next sketch is going to have really weird [yet correct according to mathematics and physics] perspective. Be prepared. You'll have to kind of let your eyes fixate on it to look right. :p
邂逅 ~ 巡り合える奇跡と ~ IOSYS What Sarah Said ~ Death Cab for Cutie [or anything by Death Cab for that matter] Unlocked Girl - the girl who left her room ~ IOSYS A Decade Under the Influence ~ Taking Back Sunday Lover I Don't Have to Love ~ Bright Eyes 白玉楼 ~ 幽冥の住人は割と少ない ~ IOSYS Being ~ KOTOKO Tip Taps Tip ~ HALCALI The Sweet Escape Runaway Love ~ Mary J. Blige