Bye. And have fun I guess?
Happened to me awhile ago, but it seems to go back after awhile.
Jube and limit sora: The tag's must contain ALOT of color. Your sigs are monotone, and will not be accepted =/
Dude, it's spelled "Wookiee". ekwniuwpbpn
Don't spam. Hey, read the rules and pm any staff member for help.
Render/Stock: Text: V Sub-Text: No sub text =P Font:Arial Black Arial Narrow or Basic Dot's (Click here) Any Extra Description: ,dfkmsifosdfm
Well.... Eat a turkey and post alot I guess. I wish you many children.
This is my stuff.
Hi there! Have fun.
Holy f*** I forgot about you xD Sorry, I'll get on it in a bit.
Personally, it needs some work mostly in these area's. let me explain them: Flow: Making a tag literally flow in one direction. Well, mostly one. Colors: Read this Depth: Adding depth is just what t sounds like. Blurring and darkening farther things, sharpening and lightening closeer things, using the blur/sharpen dodge/burn tools. Composition: Basically how things are placed. You can look this up for further information. Blending: Making the render blend in with the bg. See how your render is slapped on there, and looks like it's floating on top of the bg? Put some effects on the render, making it so that he looks like he's blended into the sig. There are more elements to making a sig, but I think that's enough for now, and I think I should let you figure them out :). I hope I helped.
This is why god invented MSN.
Yes, I meant for the border to be black, but I guess the color I chose was a dark blue. Oh well. Anyways, thanks for the comment.
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