Dats da pointz. And thanks. I guess. And mainly I was gonna make a tutorial out of it cause people wanna know how I do it.
All pentool, took me 4 hours to make.
That's a pretty dumb reason to leave, IMO.
No. Not at all =/
This thread is intense. rawr. Um... you have a lack of detail... not much shading at all, so that makes it look kinda 2D.. o_o The look like they are on their side or something, and it makes it look like they are falling down... kinda. And your lines are crooked like o.O
Me eithera f.
>_> Cool .
No one is CnCing any of my stuff lately =/ What Da Freak said.
Collab between NRA and I :D.
Thanks for the comment CNC thing.
I didn't think this tag looked good with a border. I gave it a "free" type feel. Thanks as alwayz.
Thanks again, Eclipse :D
LOL I did. thanks for the commenter.
Damn... I didn't notice the top right... thanks for pointing that out xD Thanks for the CnC :).
Agreed! =P
All effects pentool