BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT: Whenever is says you have to pentool, you have to close the path by clicking the anchor point where you started, then left click and go to fill path. Link to the tutorial
Well, it can't have true feelings, but it seems pretty possible to be made to act like it does. But now? wtf? This isn't intelligent IMO =/ And ghosts and bigfoot and such? You guys forget, Humans made those too.
Have fun, read the rules, and just have fun. You can contact any staff member if you have trouble, which is everyone with a colored name except orange. o_o
Guys, if TBK or Ronald McDonald were registered user's, it would be offensive to them. A mod needs to close this.
Dude, that sucks. I demand everyone give sympathy to this man.
I'd rate that post 7/10 for the lack of my name, but the "humor" saves it.
Bacon greese. I'm seeing how fat I can get before I die. So far so good.
Noodle boi aint new >_>
Have fun and junk.
Vexen Fangirl/boy.
Uhm... idk why, the link works just fine lol
Thanks ^_^
I added lighting, a little depth, and some text. Dat's it.
Use the link then, kitty lol
Got yours done finally, thriteen =P: I'll get on the rest of yours eventually.
Dude, all you do here is complain, yo.
ZOMGZ AVT rox my sox. Well, welcome back I guess. Have fun ruining the forum ^_^
4th and 5th are best. The others have no flow and no depth. But for some reason, there is a huge difference in the tags. Some look low novice, while 4 and 5 look mod/low inter.....