Exactly. You don't exist at all. You are not you, just nothing.
Um, he didn't come here for the site, just to advertise =/
Oh, I didn't mentin blending. Blend your renders/stocks in with your background by putting effects over them, but you may not want to have any effects on the face, cause most likeley, that's what a person will be looking at.
Well, it's a good try for a first try. Keep at it :).
Yeah, text isn't really my thing..... Thanks.
Have fun. Read the rules. Post alot. Bear many children. See you around.
Meh, I almost never use c4d's anymore. It's saddening ;-; Anywayz, thankz for the cnc foo.
No c4d or pentooling in this one folkz. yay for red stitch =D
That's a very hawt tag, i'd say ^_^ The red in the center and the blue on the bottom left and right can be toned down a little bit, because they seem to be a little too noticable. Take a soft brush and lower the brush's opacity down to about 20-30 and click it a few times. The depth can be improved abit by doing one more pen design and bluring it a little... just make sure it fits with the rest of the effects! The text isn't so good, my friend. I think the arial black font with a purple that kinda matches the prple where its next to would fit wonderfully. Again, great job on this one.
Yeah, it's been like that for two months. =/
Anyways, the text needs work.... it doesn't go with the sig, and the effects on it need to go as well. Not that the effects are bad, it just doesn not match. The rest of the effcts are great, they fit together perfectly, and I must say, your smudging and the use of it iz pretty pimp.
No. It's purple.
o_o lol okay
Apparently you don't know that Purple means sarcasm too lol.
See guys, this is what you call a "good" spammer.
...That's exactly what I said and meant xD
Alright :). Expect it either today or tomorrow.
Please, do not post cnc here unless you enter.
Welcome, man. Have fun and post alot ;) . Hope to see ya around ^_^