He's mainly known in the Organization because he is Sora's nobody.
The 13th Reflection in your pants. o___0
I'm surprised you were able to pull of a Master Form sig this well. Um...the effects are nice, but a little too noticable. I think the lighting could be raised slightly. I love the text. 9/10
I remember reading an article stating that the X in the Organization XII members names has to do with the Roman language. Anyways, I noticed that before the game came out. Seriously.
*looks at post count on Spam Zone* ...I agree.
Welcome to KHV. Please read the rules and abide by them. (Now I say this to everyone, but seriously, I MEAN IT!) >_>
I don't like how the text sticks out so much. You could put it on Overlay and erase by 50% opacity or something. I like the style you're approaching (I'm trying to do something like that too), but I don't like the coloring. >_> 8/10
*sigh* Namine, you should really just leave Roxas alone. It's enough chaos for one day.
I know, Roxas, that color would look so awesome. *looks at own name*
You're confusing yourself and others. That's pretty sad.
Statistically, somebody had to. To be honest, I didn't, because I don't even know you.
Stop discussing the issue before you get yourselves in serious trouble.
Apparently listening to Carlton singing Jungle Fever from the Fresh Prince of Belair.
I like listening to both Riku's and Roxas's theme, however, I choose Roxas only by a small margin. I liked the KHII: FM+ version. It's so well composed.
I like it, mainly because it's not completely abstract. And it's easy to look at. 10/10
It's not really a subliminal message if it's revealed to be a subliminal message.
To his benefit, he would go with the fat. Of course, I'm not sure if anyone on this planet is that fat.
Lol, he's so chubby. I can draw better on paper than I can on paint. ^_^;
Do you mean the currency or the fat?
16835... I think.