Minty Jesus sounds like gum. Remind me to see if your arm is chewable when you come back. Goodnight.
Yea, twice, she's Maria or Polka-dot 35095
Bye Minty Jesus.
L isn't god, he's Jebus meaning he's Kira's kid, and Chris Angel, and Cloud who is actually Zack, so wouldn't that mean Minty is Jesus? NOOOOOO ... Yes.
Idk, candy? The things you plug in and it makes it smell nice? A candle?
35092 I missed this place. And no, remember? This is Razzu's clone. she died so CM sent me to replace her.
Good for you. Without Youtube I wouldn't know REAL music is. Praise be to Yevon...Kira...Hanyuu, that Youtube was invented.
35089 It lives?
You're such a Yuki~ And I don't mean sock~
Of course YOU would know XD
O_o No, I don't think so. Would suck if they weren't immune or something like that.
Old lady~~~ GROUP SQUEEE~! *squees VERY loudly* SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!!! *gets hit in the head by Itachi* ;~;
Fine fine, I'll go bite someone else e_e Inside jokes~
>_> You didn't answer me Hmm... body spray good smelling perfume-ish stuff I dunno what it's called. I think I mixed two things.
Can I drink you, Mari-dot?
Am I close?
A thing of Febrese? e_e I dunno how to spell it
Goodnight old man.
Flowers? A Skunk? Is it bigger or smaller than a mouse? Is it bigger or smaller than a computer?
You should go to bed Mr. You old old old people~ No energy at all and always sleepy. I could stay up a whole another day! *falls over and starts sleeping on the floor* >_>