It's on par with some of the older monster movie favorites I have.
Meh, it was good.
D: Banned? How? *checks it out* Hey wait, it doesn't say you're banned. O_o Mine is that or just click...
Totally~ D: Why is my mind so readable? You, Deii, Bob(lol), and someone else! ...unless it's the other way around? O_o XD Nice ....nobody I know know around here know the dance. >_< I can do the full dance, but yea, without the video it's a bit hard to remember, and without the music it's soooo hard. I said I have.
: D OKAY! *waits* Hey, do you have a DA account? (Can't remember if I asked or not) *le gasp!* Well you have now. XD What do you think of...
Meh, I has.
Those ones are SO fun O_o I was just thinking of that song. Do you know the Danjo dance? (mirrored for easier learning >_>) Hare Hare Yukai is easy, just very fast and has a lot of steps to it. >_<
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wookchuck could Chuck Norris. Any guesses? 35106
XD Do you still have it? I would LOVE to see that He fails on a lot of songs e_e Partly because of the structure of the way he sings notes, and...
I know how to sing the 2nd Nico Nico Medley I'm learning the first. I'm lame like that, I listen to it to much. Yay for Nico Nico Douga
MIKU MIKU DANCE DANCE DANCE~!!! You should do all the Vocaloid Dances there are, and all the random otaku dance things as well, like I dunno...Hare Hare Yukai if very fun. Is it a big convention? Maybe you can find other Vocaloids and get them to dance with you XD KIDNAP THEM IF YOU MUST!!!
Yea, he still sounds a bit weird. D: It's hard to make him sound natural. I did find a great one that he did sound, for the most part, human. I...
D: Uhh.... I dunno. Didn't you write it down or something?
I have nothing epic to say.
Ahaha, I'm getting kicked off the computer right now anyway. Changing my guess, it's 2am now. I think I'm actually tired.
Fun. I'm bored. My mind is my playground, so yea...gonna go 'sleep' now. My guess is 3 am is when I finally fall asleep. Haha, because of that I randomly burst out laughing, when people think I'm sleeping too. I scared people at camp like that once, and my sisters a few times. Night.
So small, but so painful. So you have 2 then? Do you think they may need to do surgery to get them out?
How is there a cute way of sounding preppy? Also, you do mean the one holding the camera, not L, right? Cause L was some random girl I met there.
e_e Right...
Ai-kon. Then Deii helped add to it.