Maybe you should get it.
Yea, I assume so. e_e Burny-boy, do you use firefox? It has spell check you know.
Seriously, just shut up about him. We ALL think he's stupid, and I could say a lot worse but I won't.
e_e Would you give the guy a break already? Seriously how much do you have to talk about him?
Then you never will. Unless you know how to track a song from it's lyrics.
Steal that last part you die stop stuttering stop stop stuttering Take a guess, I gave you the definition, how find the word that is the name of the band.
15122 Ice cream? KAITO? Kaitou Sai? SAI Painter? PhotoShop? What?
Please don't drive me blind. Definition being said, take-take-take a guess. Tell me now, can you figure it out?
You tell me. A substance or procedure a patient accepts as medicine or therapy, but which has no specific therapeutic activity. Any therapeutic effect is thought to be based on the power of suggestion.
In this matrix, it's plain to see I'm replying from only one band.
You want to know Want to know? Hence the Italics.
Talk is cold and burns like the sun Can’t you see these skies are breaking?
35120 That made no sense~
35118 Watashi wa L desu. Dozo yoroshiku.
Someone call the ambulance There’s going to be an accident
Close A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Norris. e_e 35115
Yo, possible new member. Cool.
My mind is a total blank. I should go back to SoC now, I only came down here to read a guide to see how exactly I was 'spost to trigger the boss battle.
Nah, not really KK.
Those really old cheesy ones. Gotta love them.