Lilly looked up at him and smiled softly.
" No I'm sorry that I hurt you and said mean things to you." She said still staring at the floor.
As they walked Lilly was silent, staring at the floor. Then suddenly in a very quiet voice she said, " I'm sorry."
" Thank you." She said leaning on his shoulder.
Lilly watched him go and used the wall to stable herself.
Lilly grabbed his shoulder. " Ok then I guess I have no choice." She said and started to use her light energy to heal every part of his body. When she was finished she was completly out of energy. " If you had just told me where it hurt, I wouldn't have had to use all of my energy." She said panting.
Lilly quickly ran after him. " Hey I want to help! Now tell me where it hurts!" She said catching up to him.
" Where does it hurt?" She asked in a kind voice.
Lilly bent down and held her had out to him. " Here take my hand it's ok." She said softly.
Lilly stared down at him. She already started to cool down.
" I think I just did." Lilly said standing over him.
OOC: lol it's ok his older brother beats the crap out of him whenever he comes within two feet of me. BIC: Lilly took her chance and kicked him.
OOC: Boy and older. BIC: " Oh really I think I can." Lilly said and started running around him again.
OOC: Only one is evil and I know he can kick my @$$. BIC: Lilly grinned.
Lilly stopped running.
OOC: sorry it's taking so long for me to post. My cousins are coming over and my moms going crazy. " Quick clean up your room! Quick you have to do your hair all pretty! Blah blah blah. Oh man now their here, but I can stil stay on. BIC: Lilly kept running around him. And randomly swung at him.
" I am starting to get tired. I've got to think of a way to knock him down." Lilly thought. " Hmmm I wonder....." She said then started to run around him at amazing speed.
" No way! I'm not even close to getting tired." Lilly said and quickly punched at him a bunch of times.
Lilly punched at him again.
OOC: 1,000 POSTS!!!!!!! YAY!! :woohoo: BIC: Lilly glared at him again. " He's just as fast as I am. Somehow I have knock him down. But how? Ooooohhhhh this would be so much easier if none of these kids were here. She thought. " Ok then take this!" Lilly said suddenly apearing behind him and swiping his legs again.