Lilly closed her eyes. Her head still turned away.
Lilly looked away remebering the horrible memory.
" Oh..... sorry." Lilly said sitting back down. " That was imbarrasing." She thought.
" Oh so your using us!?" Lilly said standing up.
" Ok I have another question for you." Lilly said. " How do you know so much about the stones?"
Lilly followed Rob. Glancing over at Matt once in a while.
Lilly nodded and continued to eat her lunch.
" I have a speacial stone. But all I figured out that it can do is these little light balls." She said.
Lilly nodded and sat down.
" Oh ok." Lilly said and walked over to Rob. " You wanted me?" She asked.
Lilly walked into the cafeteria and sat down.
OOC: sure Time skip BIC: The bell rang for lunch. Lilly stood up and headed for the cafeteria
OOC: Ok so are we skipping or what?
OOC: doesn't matter to me
Lilly smiled, then noticed the banner at the back of the room. " That sounds like fun." She thought.
" Got it!!" Lilly thought when she hit the rat. She smiled in satesfaction.
Lilly watched the rat run around. " Hmmmm lets see what happens when I do this." She thought then thought about happy things, and focused her energy on her hand, and a ball of light energy formed in her hand. She threw the ball at the rat.
Lilly was still rubbing her head.
Lilly walked into the classroom late. But she was rubbing her head. " Sorry I'm late." She said and sat down at her desk.
Lilly walked off the bus staring at Matt. " I wonder why he's always so quiet. He always seems so lonley...... well I can understand that now. But he was like that before he lost his parents." Lilly thought. But she was so focused on Matt that she didn't notice the poll that was right in front of her. And she accidently ran right into it.