When I was a kid I mostly played Monopoly, Clue and Trivial Pursuit. Three weeks ago we had a family reunion, my sister brought along a board game called Stone Age. It' s the board game equivalent of a RTS (like Warcraft). My lil' cousin had a little trouble grasping the basic strategic aspects at first (she' s 12), but she caught up eventually. I must say I had much more fun than I expected. Spoiler [video=youtube;Zh3G5P18_xY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh3G5P18_xY[/video] When I googled it to write this post I found out there are extensions. I should keep that in mind, I never know what to buy her for Christmas.
Oh boy, agreed, some drivers are just batshit insane. Most Christians are actually like you, at least in my country. In real life I' ve only met a single obnoxious christian and zero creationist. I knew the US were heavier on religion, but until I started using american forums I had no idea how much. I' ve been threatened with hell for the first time in my life on this very forum. I don' t know what the worst part was, the fact that the guy didn' t realize how offending he sounded, or the fact that I had to use a religious argument to shut him up. Trying to appeal to reason was like trying to play chess with a pigeon, he just sent the pieces flying and peed all over the board. I wouldn' t let such experiences drive me towards a generalized intolerance for religious people, but repeated enough they would get on my nerves big time.
How about a TV show (How I met your mother) ? [video=youtube;8wdGfs-2Ecc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wdGfs-2Ecc[/video]
Fort Otalarmageddonpress2.
It' s called a fridge. Alternatively you can build an igloo with fridges.
I apologize for dropping this without developing or arguing anything, but the subject has been brought to my attention very recently and I haven' t looked it up beyond this wikipedia page. Just leaving it as food for thought. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montessori_education
I' m fine, thanks for asking. I' m going through an introspective phase myself. Firefly huh ? Been there, nice souvenir. You haven' t missed much...
---------- It was more of a self-reflecting kind of break. ---------- Potato potayto ...
Oh hi, you' re unbanned !? Does that mean your quest for justice, involving single-handedly saving the world from the agents of chaos, is...
You' re one to talk, September.
To get more theanine through your diet, you can drink black, green or white tea. The decaffeination process does not appear to lower theanine levels significantly, so decaf teas are an option as well. (Theanine isn't in herbal teas, however.) Theanine is also available in supplement form, frequently as l-theanine or under the brand name suntheanine. So far, researchers don't know of any significant negative side effects or drug interactions associated with theanine. A short-term study on rats showed that repeated, extremely high doses cause few or no apparent harmful effects. (Watch your caffeine consumption, though!) Source : http://chronicfatigue.about.com/od/supplements/p/theanine.htm
Can you drink tea ? It contains L-Theanine. Able to cross the blood-brain barrier, theanine has psychoactive properties. Theanine has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress, and improves cognition and mood in a synergistic manner with caffeine. L-Theanine may help the body's immune response to infection by boosting the disease-fighting capacity of gamma delta T cells.
Well yeah, but everything' s caped just as in FFXIII, and I usually don' t mind leveling up for hours but in this game it was an incredibly slow and boring task. I gave up at a mission in a desert, shortly after snipers were introduced. Maybe the game gets easier the further we get ? Oh well, my PS3 CD player died a while ago anyway.
He' s talking about Valkyria Chronicles, not Valkyrie Profile. [video=youtube;bceYkhQjxGY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bceYkhQjxGY[/video] I played the beginning of the game, I really liked the universe, art direction and concept ... however a few user-unfriendly gameplay aspects made me give up. I' m specifically talking about the unfair success hit rates : your characters can easily miss a short distance shot but the computer can one-shot snipe you from unbelievable distances without even trying. Since we can' t level up our team at all I quickly ended up saving before every single action, and loading if I screwed it up, but it made me spend more time waiting than playing and even then the game remained quite hard and the battles super lengthy.
Vivi' s sig seems unfazed. You' ve got a 3 second rule too ?
Bump, more hints about a sequel : http://andriasang.com/con0r9/subarashiki_sequel_hints/
How about that one ? [video=youtube;ATJaT8P6mSE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ATJaT8P6mSE[/video]
Oh well, I' m done lol. ^^ At least the last pic was epic.