Funny, I also ran. I ran so far away.
And you had such a good five minute streak too.
We should all just go and take over LinkedIn. Like, this week. Who's with me?
This might be the best option. If you walk around normally, people will probably just assume you're not participating.
Run straight and only zigzag if they're throwing things at you. If possible, run down a steep hill to try and trip them up.
What a weird coincidence! Yesterday I woke up to: Today I'm going to that interview.
And Bingo was his name-o!
So basically what you're saying is that people who can't understand something in its purest form have no right to experience it at all. Am I in the ballpark or did I completely misread you?
I was just making a joke about how you said the plot was cohesive. "Cohesive" means that it sticks to itself. You were saying that the plot sticks to itself. The plot was sticky.
Agreed. Adhesive plots are the worst.
You're gonna be one hell of a parent.
What breakfast food do you know of that has pepperoni on it?
Have you never had Dutch pancakes? Put some pepperoni and cheese on them and it's like fried pizza. I make them for lunch a couple times a week. Besides, the only reason I mentioned waffles was that I had Belgium on my mind.
Why not just find a livestream? Also, Protip: Ctrl+Shift+V pastes stuff without formatting. It's super useful for stuff like this where the background is dark.
Well, what about other songs in the series that relate to fairies? Like I said, that's the vibe that that song gives me, mainly because of the song from the fairy spring in Majora's Mask, so it might be worth checking out.
It sounds very fairy-ey if you get what I mean. Based on the subject matter of the video, it's also probably also from Twilight Princess, so have you tried scouring the OST until you find it? That said, it also sounds like it could be from one of the earlier games, so good luck finding it if that's the case.
So would anyone else who knows me. You're not special in that respect.
No Yes
Toonami is a programming block shown on Adult Swim every Sunday morning from midnight to 6 AM.[DOUBLEPOST=1383004893][/DOUBLEPOST] I'm confused here. Do you dislike the entire concept of dubs or do you dislike the quality of most dubs? I can understand the latter, but why would you be against one of the only ways to make things appeal to wider audiences? Believe it or not, subs aren't very accessible to people who don't already like foreign media and the whole point of localization is to widen the audience. If I watch a Belgian movie for the first time, I'm not going into it thinking that it'll be awesome because BELGIUM. I'm going in hoping that it'll be a good movie. I probably won't even know that it's Belgian until I watch it, love it, and want to learn more about it. Only then might I think, "Wow! This Belgian movie is great! I bet other movies from Belgium are equally great!" Then I'll go watch some more Belgian movies and if I like those, I'll probably end up being part of the elite few who love Belgian cinema so much that I'm willing to watch them subbed instead of dubbed, probably because I can't wait for the dubbed. I agree when you say that dubs tend to sound worse than the original language (the Madoka dub is beyond awful in my opinion), but that doesn't mean they don't have a purpose in the localization market. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make some big-ass waffles.