Call the hospital, then call the police and explain the situation. After that, call the Loch Ness Monster explain that she will not be getting her tree fiddy. Alternatively, take him to sleep with the fishes. I hear that's pretty therapeutic.
Clearly because he missed your not at all ugly selfies.
B is for Beløw.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'Twas his intent. To blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below. Poor old England to overthrow. That's because you're Amaury.
Are you kidding? I'm an ugly butt face. My standards are way too high for that. It was a female me from an alternate universe where our ugly is their loin burningly hot.
Does autocest count?
I didn't exactly have high hopes for it, but I was expecting it to be good and so far I'm not disappointed. After seeing it, I now think that it might even be exactly what Cartoon Network needs to become great again.
If all pork chops were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs.
Pfft. The unsubtle sub-buttle!
I think the whole world is just one big Diglett.
You know what that means, don't you? Let's break some rules!
I'm half gay on my mom's side.
I think we all have an inner gay person. Mine has a crush on J.D. Salinger.
Ienzo, naturally. Don't worry Cat, you get to be DJ.
Like Patman said, just go meta and write about why the essay is bullshit. You're smart, so you should be able to figure out a way to say "this assignment is stupid" while still looking like you're on topic.
You know what we should do? We should get together a big group of people to cosplay as the cast of Full House.
The Jesse to my Joey, of course.
Go home, Gibbler.
Hey guys, what's going on this thre-