That isnt my name ;~;
I can do it :D I-T
Stoopid face.
Thats much worse than Hostel 2 Dx Me likey :3
Like in Hostel 2? .____.
And my 400 subscribers. And my 50,000 channel views. And the one video that I favorited ;3;
I didnt say he'd come immediately >.>
Shush, barbie.
I hear if you shake it up more, God comes and gives you the power of darkness.
Nuuu! There goes my million views ;~;
Hellkitten is corrupted. Put her in the containment chamber nao. She can be the next test subject for the new weapon.
They have the requirements on the back of the games, and you should know whats in your PC. Is it that hard to take two seconds and look?
Stop watching porn or else your eyes will melt D:
You'd win more if your deaths were over 9000.
Ew, you're nasty ;3;
Pfft, this old game? Its so easy D:
Yay :D
Nu-uh, Ryuk lives because he's already a dead monster looking death god D:
You know your insane when you call Kirara a cute lil puppy.