I'll make it for ya~
^You need a hug^ *hugs*
I'd have one less friend, thats for sure ;~;
He makes me wish I grew up learning the ways of the sword ;o;
As a cartoon, of course. Although some consider it to be an anime. Either way it pwns and im glad its on again :3
Take your clothes off and get a fan?
It happens alot. It thinks there's an extra post when there isnt. But you'll be able to go to the next page once there's actually enough posts for a next page.
You know when you're insane.
You know you're insane when you fall in love with your 50 year old teacher.
I must be insane then xD You know you're insane when your fat like DPWolf :3
Beautiful picture Sanda~ I always love your outfits. Did you make that one or get it somewhere?
Thats been pretty obvious. The only way to emulate old games would to *big suprise here* use an emulator 8D. A rom is just the data copied from a cartridge. Although for Nintendo, they have the finished the products in their databases making the transfer to their servers easy. The Wii just simply emulates the downloaded games and ta-dah, you have your old school game. The only difference being that the lovely stuff you download from the VC has no errors, you can play many different games without having to open up a new emulator, and it comes with the manual.
No way. Blue jeans in the shower is much better.
*high fives*
Nakéd while in the shower? Now thats just silly.
No fatalities? D: How ghey. They shouldn't reduce the few good things about Mortal Kombat just to make them on par with the DC universe. They should have like, Mortal Kombat vs Killer Instinct or something.
Finally D: My mom takes weeks just to put even the smallest amount of money on her card. Now I can easily just go out and get these cards. I cant wait to go play any future awesome ps1 ports.
You mean there's something you wont shove in your mouth? O:
Wow, now they're really whoring the Universe vs. Universe games. I guess at this point I can only wait and see if its any good. It could be interesting to see who they add for the DC universe.
I have one of those! O: