Nevermind...I just check back're not slow....
*jazz music plays*
Wow...pretty slow dude....pretty slow
Look There's Blood In Xaldin's Face!!!
Good...i'm not the only male here...
18349 Hi Lk Nice Avy!
no as in VGN, wait....I really shouldn't tell you...
More popular than Roxas will ever be
Using a cookie as a steering wheel
Yes squeaky shoes!!! It pwns!!!
Banned for crushing an Iphone
" I'm bored"
Fine it's good and better! Gobete-er umm.....yeah.....
It looks bad and wrong... or is it BADONG!!!!
They act gay in those videos
oh yeah.........I have We love katamari!!!! IT PWNS!!!! RACECAR!!!
or Drop-out
Now where'd you get that?
Akogare no beautiful star
Actually.......I JUST NEED IT TO BURN STUFF!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! nananananananana katamari on the swing!