I absolutely love GC! I am totally getting New Morning Revival!
I totally agree! It should be illegal to be that awesome. And here I thought I was alone on obsessing over Zexy... Yeah, you kinda did, Zexion of the Twilight...
Yeah, it'll be good to have you back. The Dark Side needs their leader! :)
What else am I afraid of... Well, I can't really remember anything... But I used to have to sleep with my door open and my TV on, but now I can't stand sleeping with either >.<.. And if I'm home alone, and I hear something, I'll immediately call my friends, just so I'm not alone. Last year, my sister's birthday was on 6.6.06 and my dad's was on Friday the 13th...
Yeah... I used to be so afraid of dying, like the whole idea of decaying underground, and insects and stuff eating your skin and things... Yeah...
Touchdown Turnaround (Don't Give Up On Me) - Hellogoodbye
I don't know if this is actually called a fear, but I hate when people stare at me. But I'm very paranoid... >.<
Good night! I hope you sleep well :)
That makes two of us! I am about to die.
Wow, guys. O.o I missed a lot! Man I missed you guys. I am worn out!
GAH! Sorry, guys! I am back as well! But not for long because my friend is staying over. Kadaj = Awesomeness!!!! Zexion = More Awesomeness!!!!! No one can ever replace my Zexy! HE'S BACK! *huggles Zexy*
Thank you! First time anyone's ever told me that... Hehe *looks at Zexion* What have you been hiding, mister mister?
Oh. Well, dang, aren't I ******ed!
You got a PlayStation 3? Um... Uh...
Gahd. I just got home too. *stares at Zexion in interest* ...This is kind of my fault, isn't it? Zexion: You think? Yeah, I do think... you would look good in a purple dress! *shoves it on him* All better? Zexion: Not really. Ah, well. Off to find Soraaaaaaaaaaa... Um... What? You got a new puppy?
We had a delay as well, so I've got about... Yeah I have a half hour, too. *laughs* Zexy, you never looked so pretty! Now it can match your hair :D
Morning, guys... Need. More. Sleep! >.< Man, we don't even get Monday off because we had to take Tuesday and Wednesday off for snow...
*snort* "Why does it have to be sugar free???" he says...
Sweeeeet. Sounds like a good plan to me! And thanks :)
AH! NO! Gah dang, the things I would do for KH! I know! I love you all, you are awesome!!! And just think, if you hadn't made this thread, darksmile13, we probably wouldn't know each other as well as we do! Oh, thanks for filling me in :D