Same here! And sometimes I use insults, because my friends know that I don't mean it, but it's so funny! An example: Friend: Hey, Jazz? Me: Yeah?...
I love your sarcasm. Very funny. xD Sarcasm is amazing; I use it all the time in school. 8D
I have a story that I wrote about a girl moving from Maine down to Florida...but I kind of stopped; I found it, so I'm working on it again. Here:...
Of course it is! Think positive! 8D ...yeah, that won't work. Homework is not, I repeat, not fun. Unless it's a skit for Spanish class; then it's...
Not at all! I loved every second of it. Fantastic! Wish I could write like that. I mean, I can write, but not like that.
I'm all right; just working on a story that I haven't looked at since August. I would study for the Crucible, but I already know it.
How are you?
Welcome to Team Jacob! 8D
*pokes* Hi. 8D
I can relate.
I'm good; you?
Congrats on becoming staff, dude. ^^
Thanks. 8D It hasn't snowed here yet; we're supposed to get some tonight, though. Not looking forward to that. Seriously, we're getting January...
Dude, that was fantastic. Definitely on of the best dubs I've ever heard; heck, it's probably the best. Great job.
That was fantastic. I loved it. <3
You can send it to me; I'll read it when I'm done with studying. ^^
Yeah, I have a headache and I'm sort of studying. xD
I hope so.
Mark. xD Danny's a friend of mine, though. ^^
Uh, idk. xD I have a headache, so I'm a little not...thinking...straight. ._. But, I do remember in gym when the captains were choosing...