as for me i'll work on a booby trap for roxas when he come back i know*puts roller blades next to the air vents so roxas will fall through with the shoelaces tied together with a hook attached to an areoplane*this is great the areoplane when it feels a tug on the string bye bye roxas
(marluxia) larxy285:so marluxia i know you like me and all so i was just wondering do you wanna get pizza sometime
rats? well someone let rats in my room and if i cant find out who you will all die but you look kinda familiar have we met?
*gives roxas some grease and pushes him in the air vent*hurry roxas*seals the opening to the vent and locks it*know when you wanna come out
hey sparky i have an idea because roxas is at saix house lets make thunder on his house*uses thunder on roxas house*muahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaaa thats a big fire lets go tel;l him the news that his house is on fire*goes to saix house*hey roxas where are you your house is on fire
*looks up*aaaaahhh talking fox*then she sees a mirror* aawww what a cute little kitty wait where is my reflection *sees herself*ok who did this oh yeah vexens weird potion i wanna be me again i feel like a kitty cat because i am one
hang on whos been in my room kairi what is suicide?who ever it was is gonna get a killing i bet it was roxas where is he?
hey whats going on i have an odd craving for cat food hey there is some cat food right there mine*opens the bag and starts to eat*
hey sparky d'ya wanna make a thunder storm now that the rain stopped yup lets do it*goes outside with sparky to make a thunder storm in a clear sky
larxy285:oh um hey marluxia whats up your still alive i see xemnas didn't lie for once
*looks around the world of dreams*whoa everyone is so weird they float or blur or change shape does that mean i do aswell without knoing it wouild be so cool to see a train here just floating*suddenly a floating train appears*ok maybe the way this place works is imagination something i lack but if i can just picture the ground and normal people*suddenly all of that stuff appears*wow i wonder a clan member that ran away thats what i was ooking for or back up for those men in coats
larxy285:are you having as much fun as me cuz if you are it means you are bored
ok sparky you look like you are ready to face my ultimate tequnique tht i haven't used yet the 99999999999999999999999999.9999999 volt thundaga*uses the 99999999999999999999999999.9999999 volt thundaga on sparky and he moves it then sheilds himself and didn't even get a spark on him*you clever little pup you deserve dog treats help your self
larxy285:yes that is nice so who do you like demyx always room for more entertainment
so sparky show me how to make a thunder sheild and i will show you how to move thunder*we exchange abilities and start practicing them*
ooc:im bak bic:so those men were headed for Vonhalla the land of dreams i wonder what they where gonna do there oh some of my clan might have escaped so id better go after those men i may be a bad fighter but i must get my clan back i need help i guess i'll go fing people to help me its not gonna be easy*heads over to vonhalla to find help*
larxy285:yes i know marluxia likes me and guess who i like...marluxia its true i admit it
i need a thunder boost i know*goes to a power plant and sucks all the electricity out and goes back home* ooc:i gotta go
*keeps staring at the stuff no not stuff people withut memorys being sold as slaves the scallior clan*"no No NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO this is not happening my clan is being sold"*runs outta the store and hides in a corner of a dark street shaking with fear* ooc:i gotta go to bed now i'll be back tomorrow
"what a violent guy"she thought out loud "ok thanks enix i'd better go after them i have to know what my clan did i'll be back at this town later"*runs as fast as she could and within 10 minutes saw what she was looking for*"wait up you guys what did my clan do why did you erase their memory"romine said to them *they turned around* "simple they tried toto be normal andfit in but they are not normal wait did you say your clan she remembers get her!"the guys in the coats said*she ran back to the village and hid in the store closest and looks around*