i swear if you spread it around i'll*suddely remembers she is only a kitten*bite you how?like this*bites his paw again*
"d-did you just kiss me"she said her eyes looked angry but then they just widened"you did kiss me hey don't get embarrased"*quickly kisses him on the cheek back*"so how long have we just pretty much kust pretended we didn't like eachother 5 years maybe 6?"
"honestly i'm telling the truth by the the way larx are you bored"larxene asked "well kinda"larx said "well then i know something to livn things up a little"larxene said grinning*puts she puts her head close to his ten picks him up and throws him out the window and listens for a bang*"ok where is the doosh?"she asked*suddenly there was a loud bang followed by the words "i'm ok"*"lively i should say oh and marluxia does that prove anything i was just bored"
gee ow i wonder ow whats taking ow sparky so long ow the rope is probably hurting him owi sure ow hope hes ow ok
well as long as this doesn't spread round i kinda like...marluxia
*suddely she notices the men not thinking straight she walked up to them and she said*"how about a fight you guys right after you tell me what is my clan why did you steal their memory" one of the men:"well lets say your clan did something to almost make us dissapear and what are you you are a beast so now let me say this now this fight is for your memory then we can sell you as a mindless slave" "but...wait a minute my clan didn't do anything your in this for money you will pay"*she got out her tiny dagger and through it at one of the men it went through him like he was a ghost and hit a tree* the other man:come on we got more slaves to sell here lets go the hyper speed way*they dissapeared in a blur*i lost them they leftmore people are going to end up like my clan unless i buy them back*goes to the nearest shop and buys back all the clan i could buy*right i need to train them back up restore their memory
"hmm tough decision on pizza i vote cheese *gets out a cheese pizza and uses thunder on it to heat it up then gets out two glasses and pours some lemonade in them*anything else marluxia?
hey vexa i'm sorry imade fun of you earliar but the reason no one is making fun of me is number 1 i have alwys been a woman number 2 he is not my boyfreind i just me him an hour ago
so all i gotta do is tell you who i love but in return i want you to promise you will never breath a word of it to anybody or nobody and vexen take your books and go*watches vexen leave*ok so have we got a deal
this lightning something about it is ow strange ow its like ow plasma ow wait ow it ow is ow that means ow that ow someone is ow attacking me ow roxas ow
"oh hi marluxina hows it goin this is larx i met him in some clothes store he was there pretending i wasn't there obviously bored so i brought him back here for both my own and his entertainment right larx"larxene asked"yup"larx replied
what'll happen if i don't tell you i become your luch*she laughs at her own joke*no seriously what'll you do to me?
lightning bad lightning very bad heeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
oh come on you wouldn't hurt a poor little kitty cat would you?*bites xigbars paw*now get off
*they stop playing video games as larx won every time and larxene was stuck losing*"ok larx do you want to meet everyone now?"larxene asked "sure" larx said *they walked downstairs"hya everyone larxene said
ok that was a good movie well i'd better turn it off*suddenly a bolt of lightning struck larxene*ouch sparky bad...boy?*she looked at sparky sleeping suddenly the whole room was full of lightning*ou ooo eee ouch thats gonna leave a mark sparky deliver this note to somebody anybody*attaches a note to sparkys leg saying help inside thunder storm after it was attached sparky got out of the house and started to bark really loudly so the whol street could here*
*sneaks up to bedroom*"ok larx this castle has a problem at the moment all of the boys have been turned into girls by vexen wacky experiment so they are all just trying to fit in as girls"larxene explained "oh well that doesn't bother me you are here to tell me whos who right?"larx asked "well i suppose so"larxene replied as they started to play video games
i can't say it it would be to embarrasing but there is alot of cat food ok its...*eats all the cat food*i lied i won't say anything muahahahhaaaaa
you mean that is what vexen became that puny thing no i don't love him hes trying to escape i'm simply stopping him the one i love is...actually i am not saying i might if i was given enough cat food or maybe forced to but still i won't tell by my own decision
"ok you've been ignoring me long enough who are you"larxene asked "i am not a pervet my name is larx whats your name?"larx asked "my name is larxene so what were you just ignoring me for hmm larx?"larxene asked "well i think your pretty but i guess i'll just leave now you obviously don't like me at all"larx said starting to walk off "wait do you wanna come back to my castle?"larxene asked "you really mean it?well ok" larx said starting to look happier "ok lets go"larxene said as she created a potal and she and larx got into the castle*