yea so thts y v can nop his RC attack and nw enough spamming
well tha wepon mod fr mickey isnt in this code but if mickey is weilding Start seeker in this code then use this to replace it with rumble rose: 11CD4ADC 00000771 or 11CD439C 00000771
well if v want to mod tha characters as bosses into slot 3 and slot 4 then v will have to remake tha hwole codes since tha animations and model swap is of slot 1 so yea yea u did :P
EDIT: no its not a size mod it jus makes bosses allies enemies into boos ,ally, enemy meaning if u made neo shaodw which is an enemy ally he wyill attack u but his attack wont do any damage to u but thy will do damage to tha enemies and tha same code wrks fr Giant Boss as in if u replace Donald or Goofy with Twilight Th9orn and make Big Boss as ally then Twilight Thorn will becum ur Ally
dont think there have been any..
hmm btw JL is there any seperate configurations fr epsxep cause i try to hack FF9 with it but i cant this is my address after i reads tha ram: -...
yea thts tha same
hmm thts strange thy work fine fr me where do u change tha characters??
thts not an emulator luxord thts a cheating device fr emulators its sumthing fr an emulator
hmm thts strange it will make u normal sora but ull have Valors moveset awesum thnx JL
oh kk thnx well ur moves dont change but drive into master or anythin thth u have activated tha code of and then press R2 and change maps ull understand wht i mean once u test it XD
i think he means tha attack pattern tht a charater does as in roxas first he thrusts towards tha enemy then hit up and then spin and hit etc. i think he means tht..
New Convo between Sora and Riku well since a lot of guys were askin about this vid here it is: First of all video credits go to : plat7 and Subbing and Uploaded by me Sora and Riku New Conversation Before Xemnas Throne Battle #2: So yea enjoy XD
hmm srry but cant understand it ru talkin about tha moveset modifier??
yup thts tha code enable it and then drive into Anti ull have 2 keyblades.. EDIT: oh and good to have u back JL
hmm well thts strange
yea kk np btw when u r using moveset mod fr Sora in which possition r u keeping tha keyblade Sky or normal??
hmm mayb ill find tha code fr NTSC
well fr final mix yea but fr NTSC no since i gotta port tha codes but i dont knw how to port so yea yea thought so razor founded a code to mod tha movset of Anti into final and give him a second keyblade
well truth is working on New codes for Re:COM but its gonna take a whil since he has to find tha animation fr tha codes