oh well u jus have to enable tha code tht lets u view cutscenes without Sora but sadly i cant seem to find tht code so yea sry.........
oh here: keyblade: 021F = Acrossing Two Dummy: 0939 = Acrossing 2
hey awesum work guys really cool code :) but sadly i cant test it since i dont have PAL version sry but i can test this code cause i dont have tha PAL version oh and if u r wanderin y i replied u then thts bcause mostly all tha people say tht their Q was ignored and stuff so yea ;)
yea there can b but m fellin really sleepy fr hacking tht code rght nw but u can ask an otr coder to hack it if m away but ill hack it tomo :) hmm i dnt think Emu code will b tht long since emu can handle little animations but PS2 cant tha codes need to b completely re rendered for it to work on PS2 since with emu u couldd jus simply replace animation with tha demyxs and relpaces tha model so yea
hmm well all tha codes work fr me and yea u have to learnm how to use Emuhaste properly first lke goin to : Select Emulator = PCSX20.9.6 .ini carey 3/20/09 an select tht since tht works tha best and then when tha game starts press read Ram and then enter tha codes in tha empty space in the left side and jus click patch Ram btw no need for joker in tha emu since even if i use joker tha code gets activated even with out me pressin tha jokers so yea
hmm dnt think his moveset can change
well yea JL's tutorial is in japanese wait ill give u tha English Patch and i assume u r using pcsx2 0.9.6 rght....?? oh btw here is the patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?jk1fykhjnzm open the Emuhaste+ within it. oh and yea btw Toshi does have a point there.............
oh thnx :D
yea its Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
hmm well not of nw i dont knw an yea sure ill comment
oh so thts tha reason...hmmmmmmmmmmm
oh cool dnt u have final mix??
nm hacking Final Fantasy XII u tell
hey there :D :P
haha u tell
yea its possible what does World Sora weild Neutral Wepaons do ??
yup Toshi gave u the correct link tht or ur version of the Emuhaste doesnt support ur version of Pcsx2 rght oh an btw is ur version in English or sum otr language........??
hey long time nm jus hacking a game u tel
well u can get the codes from Codetwink
yea it has 2 be :P