haha np :)
hmm dnt knw but mayb u can find tha code here: http://cheats.codetwink.com/ps2/view/4376/
really cool so u managed to un DMA it Sora??
haha :P so whtsup
well these r lots of ways first is Rom Hacking which i cant explan here since its not allowed and i dont knw about Rom hacking much either :P and tha other is using Haste DS
hmmm wht do u mean by tht??
well actually no model hacking is hard and it will take a lot of time to make a tutorial fr it........
sorry but u cant load a NDS file on emuhaste the best software for tht is Haste DS and here is the link if u need it :) http://www.mediafire.com/?hzbqgziomzt
oh i live in Pakistan
oh cool......
hey np u can share ur feelings :)
hmmm no probably wont work since tha Base data and tha adress data is different but well most of tha coeds i run with Emuhaste works though it does takes a few re tries..... :P
hey np anytime :)
:P so where do u live??
well but even if i do hack tha replacement code for Xemnas 1 it will b of no use since Final Xemnas UCM is still not hacked so yea.........
hey awesum cool :D
yup follo wht Toshis sayin ver.0.9.6 insnt completely compatible with emuhaste yet so yea
hmmmmmmm cool
hey np anytime
oh well otr thn tht no sry......