Yesterday I stopped because a car had the right of way, but he signaled that I should go first even though it would have been much faster for him to go because I was already fully stopped on my bike.It annoys the hell out of me when I'm trying to be polite and people try to be polite back instead of just waving me thanks and moving on.
Take some cold medicine and remember that there are unemployed Ohioans who wish they could go to work with a cold.
Let the like bombing commence.
Invisible points on the internet that don't contribute to anyone's life in any meaningful way just matter, okay?
The code you entered was incorrect. Please enter the correct four digit code.
Please enter your four digit identification code.
I took all you guys' advice and now my computer is holding me down and demanding Chex mix. What did I do wrong?
My computer says that it's overheating by a factor of 20% and I don't know how to cool it down.
When did he say that?
What about the one with Manaphy? I'm pretty sure none of the Pokemon talked in that one. There was also that special anniversary movie with the guy who made those mirage Pokemon. Wait, then what did that one Lucario do? Is it actually aura manipulation like Caitlin said?
They don't wear out or anything and when they get dirty you just wash them.
Ran it through a text to voice program, can confirm that's what it sounded like.
That sounds delicious.
Why do they call mountains purple when they're gray? Why do they call them Greyhound buses when they don't allow animals?
That's understandable, but driving for stuff like going to get ice cream when the UDF is, without exaggeration, right around the corner or picking up groceries on a non-pay week is just ridiculous if you ask me. Honestly, that should happen for everyone at least every five years. Also, what' s up with that space after every apostrophe? I' m not trying to correct you, I' m just genuinely curious.
Agreed. Who wants to go 60 miles an hour in a two ton hunk of metal that is powered by explosions and surrounded by dozens of other two ton hunks of metal that are also powered by explosions? That shit's dangerous. Bicycle master race FTW.
That's still ageist. Just say that bad drivers shouldn't be driving. To be honest, the majority of people, young and old alike, shouldn't be driving.