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  1. KeybladeSpirit
  2. KeybladeSpirit

    What do I do?

    A guy just kicked me in the gut, turning my midsection into a weak point, and now he's rushing at me. Help.
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 2, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. KeybladeSpirit

    People need to realize that just because someone is a bad person doesn't mean they don't deserve recognition for their better qualities. After all, Hitler is undeniably and without exaggeration the worst person to have lived in centuries, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the facts that he stabilized Germany's economy, was a big fan of Disney (and apparently doodled the characters quite often), had a cute dog named Blondi, and looked damn good in knee high socks. Similarly, Orson Scott Card may be a raving homophobe, but he's also a great author who supports alternative energy, loves his five children (two of whom died at early ages), and is a fan of Firefly. Unlike Hitler, though, I feel Card's better qualities balance out his bad ones pretty well.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. KeybladeSpirit


    And I think that's kind of sad. Darian Rennter gets all the credit for being the best of the new Doctors because he's the most iconic and even though he had more "cool/funny/cute/brilliant moments," Eccleston's "moments" are so much better than his, and not just because of their relative scarcity.

    rant over
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. KeybladeSpirit
    You got it, dude!


    Also, it just occurred to me that Amaury is the Kimmy Gibbler of KHV.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. KeybladeSpirit
    Did the video game with the giant make an appearance? From what I've seen in the trailers, that's the only thing that I worry they might have ruined without good reason.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. KeybladeSpirit
    Shut up. I like my meals to be silent.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. KeybladeSpirit
    Awesome. I'll the send the cheese soon so I can start fattening you guys up.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. KeybladeSpirit
    Not in this context. "Whatever" is a term used to indicate indifference for a given situation or statement. It can also mean "no matter what" or "of any kind."

    "What ever," on the other hand, is used to express a question regarding a period of time. The song lyrics in this thread could be restated as "Over the years, what has happened to the predictable things in life, such as the milkman, paper boy, and evening television?"
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. KeybladeSpirit
    The milkman, the paperboy, the evenin' TV?
    Thread by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. KeybladeSpirit


    Ah, well that's understandable. I absolutely hate when I recognize actors in movies or on TV because it makes the whole thing less believable. I can't watch Iron Man without thinking, "That's not Tony Stark, that's Robert Downey Junior," the whole time. I used to kind of enjoy NTSF: SD: SUV, but then I recognized Karen Gillan's character as Karen Gillan, which ruined the experience of it being a mediocre spy comedy that is believably set its own world. Now it's just a mediocre spy comedy featuring one of the two British actresses that I can name. It's why I prefer animation to live action.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. KeybladeSpirit


    Get over it.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. KeybladeSpirit
    I spent $80 on them, so probably around $60.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. KeybladeSpirit
    I have $40 and a 6 pound box of cheese sticks.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. KeybladeSpirit
    Can I live with you for the next few months?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. KeybladeSpirit
    And what exactly is that problem?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. KeybladeSpirit
    I'm 20 and I still haven't started. Got a problem with that?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. KeybladeSpirit
    The name that most of us suggested you use for November.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. KeybladeSpirit
    What happened to Amaurycopia?
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. KeybladeSpirit
    I think I might have depression but I don't tell anyone because I'm afraid that if I go to a psychiatrist it'll turn out that I'm right and I don't want to take antidepressants.
    Post by: KeybladeSpirit, Oct 31, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone