Nu-uh. Not just any book. A dictionary. Look it up XD Lexicon is the Greek word (different spelling, Greek does not make an English alphabet XD)...
Umm..... Okay? XD Why is a female Saïx banging a random Zexion's head to a white board yelling "Twilight inst literature"? XD
I had to leave, but I am back, and check this out: I did it no hacks, no damage, no... I beat the bugger, got video proof, did it without any hacks, and took no damage what... I beat the bugger, no...
Sorry if my responses are slow, I am playing a game with jake.
Same here. 20/40. Up close is absolutely perfect lol. Far away is a blur.
I see. How bad is your eye sight? lol
Sh. I am going to an eye exam tomorrow, I need glasses lol.
KK, ready. If you are going to make a game, I suggest you pay attention to SWTOR, if you wanted to you could make an exact copy of it with unity....
lol When there is noting to do, I find, actually, I make something to do lol XD But fair enough. Anything awesome happen since we last spoke?
Almost ready for SWTOR by the way :) The playlist I made is a bit old, but I suggest watching it, it has alot of good info. You can download the...
lol Why do you have nothing to do?
I made a play list for you:
Well, the regular version is completely and totally free. The pro version, if you want to waste your money, is over a thousand dollars. One...
Playing video games, yourself? :D
lol Laziness! The folks down at Unity made the unity engine, what most games run on, and Unity designer, what makes the games that the engine...
lol sure, just give me a minute.
lol you will give yourself a concision if you keep doing that XD
lol I am willing to wait. Worst case scenario we forget the torrent and just split it into pieces and download it from medial fire. I have the...