No it's definitely a sex move.
Exactly. The points mentioned are vague enough to allow for comparisons between nearly any game and Zelda.
Herp derp.
I think most of you are forgetting the main attraction of theme parks everywhere, waterslides. Hence, slides.
It's not even Saturday yet, Jeez. At this rate there'll be no Husbands left.
I both live in America, and can view them. Your words fall on deaf ears.
Anyone remember back when no one liked Death Note except a few fans such as Mari, Crono, and Myself? Good times.
If you don't live in America, the videos are unavailable. I'm assuming anyway. Judging from the comments it seems they can be viewed in France as well.
Well, I hope that *******'s happy. Cause that video was the highlight of his life.
I'm guessing Gwen lost.
I watched the whole thing. I have to have some damn internets for that.
Love it. Only thing I could recommend would be a bit more orange, mostly around the light source. And keep any further effects parallel to her arm, right now there's minimal flow, but I can see it. Really sexy, though.
As the leader of the Onion Knights. I'd like to say this group is pretty much a failure.
Ah yes, the Onion Saying. Good show sir, truly.