Hissora is remarkably more hotter than she was when I met her. That is my opinion on this :3
Ring ring ding, la la ding ding La la la, ding ding ding, lalalaaaaaaaa ring ring da da dum ding daaaa~
Frown all you want but im still not giving you THAT kind of love >_>
I thanked you didnt I? >:
I wanted a hug, not a thread D: But thanks anyways~
Pfft, I never got a hug from the voluptous Kay D:
Then me and the rain have something in common ;D
I wish I could **** Orange o:
Its generally the same in PS. Just paint your shapes, hide the layer, apply image, unhide the layer, right click the applied image and go to Create clipping mask, then move around the layer.
Long post is long o:
I think we need to help kitty exterminate those Neds.
Cupcake is close to getting her frosting splattered on the walls :3
I thought so ;D Roseycheeks, you live! I thought you went and exploded into itty bitty pieces D:
Tell me something everyone doesnt already know :3
~ Fixed ~
That doesnt always work D: My friend gets pissed if I dont look at her chest.
Me and DP~ DP is teh secks :'D
This only works on the girls that arent total ****s, *****es, bookworms, etc.
Butt o:
Fixed .