Back. With pocky and my retina's having been stained with the images of seeing japanese girls for a whole week. So hot. Anyways, you guys can lock this now.
*takes bucket of tomatoes and makes love to them* - A pickle - A banana - A constantly vibrating wii controller
I actually would just to see that xD
Cosplay as a naked girl. I would love to see that please <3 Or you could be really awesome and go around with a Haz-mat suit and gravity gun :3
I like girls and unicorns n.n
I liek peepee 8D
When did I ever leave? xD
Meditating - Overdosing on allergy medication Beam Of Light - Stumbling ******edly while heavily medicated in the road as a car approaches Invisible force - Getting hit by a car
Tomorrow is my D-day. Make sure you keep ruling the world in my leave Kay D:
I can only play songs from Legend of zelda and Earthbound ;~;
I forgot to say goodnight D< Night. And yes, I suck better than anyone else.
I dont need her, I do not suffer from scurvy. On the other hand, I am running low on Jellybeans ;D
Nero's pretty awesome. His devil bringer just brings me hours of entertainment. But I'd have to go with Dante on this one. He's just my old fashioned kind of guy~
Yeah, what Axelfan said. Chances are when SJ sees this, you might get a warning for making so many threads that are also misplaced. And when you make posts outside the spamzone, keep them at least 6 words or more because if you dont have anything to say, best not to say nothing at all. Make sure you go read those rules.
I need some Vitamin C in my life~
Appearently I suck o:
Quoted for poop n.n
I picked 7, 11, and 13. Those were my faves. All were great pictures though.
Sounds like you got served by that car.