O.o Wow. That is a lot. DAng it! With a capital 'D' and 'A'!!! Do you think the Final Mix will be for the PS3 or do you know it is?
...Mmkay. Obviously I missed a lot. So what happened while I was gone?
Yeah, and besides that, you can kinda tell by his voice.
Oh my God, I would, definitely! I was all dramatic when Sora woke up and Roxie wasn't there no more..
Yes, they are. Don't you just wanna videotape it sometimes?
Oh my God, I would probably die!!
We're just having a gay old time, is all!
We should! Got it, no yaoi. LOOK! Zexy has been resurrecteded!
I should ressurect Zexy and see what could be done... *thinking evil thoughts*
Yeah... I think Sora is afraid of cameras. Though, I don't blame him, 'cause that flash is ebil!
Hehe, kind of. Riku, you little nasty nasty! Dun't look at that! T'is not appropriate for teh childrens!
*le gasp* I knews it! Teh two are ghey!
T.T What a waste of a perfectly good camera!!! Roxas: >.> I joking, what I meant was... ROXAS! NUUUU not his pretty little head!
Hehe accident or not, that's still hella funny! Roxas SWORE!!! The apocalypse is coming! Duck in coverrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Oh, why thank you!! :D
O.o''' Wow.. I never thought Roxas to be the gay type... I'm telling Axel!!!
Aww, poor Roxie! Roxas is absolutely adorable! *squeezes plushie*
Hey, darksmile13! *hugs back* Did you get your BK?
... OH!!!! lol I finally got that! Wow, I am really slooooowww.
Hey guys! :D What's going on around here?
Oh my God, he made me want to shoot myself for wanting to learn to type >.>