All right! Out of teh closet! We'll probably need it again!
I joined it! 'Cause I'm cool like that I liked it as well! ^_^ Oh, and guys? MUSKRAT! *grabs and puts in closet*
Yeah, I joined it too! I didn't know you had a forum, kglory!
Night, mommy! *hugs back* Yeah, I know! I was... depressed when I saw the thread was closed. I thought I would never see you guys again! ='( Aw, that sucks, Namine. I'm sorry :(
Tch, shhhhh! We mustn't speak of those things here! 8X
Yesh, yesh, very good times. XD
O.o ... I kinda like my memories... Would you do that to me, Namine?! That's great! My friend has been for a while...
Yes, that cheese. Hey, mom! I'm all right I guess, thanks to my brother >.> What about you?
Thanks, kglory, I appreciate it >.< I think I'm gonna go revive that cheese...
Agh! kgloryyyyyyyy! *pouts* You hurteded my feel goods.
Eh, I'm all right, I suppose. I'm glad you found it, Namine! Yeah, I respect that. It's different, but it's all right.
Wow, I didn't mean to sleep that long! >.< So how are we, guys?
Ugh, I know! Yesh, I believe I do.
Hey, Jade! Eh, well, they sent me some stuff in the mail, like my shirts and stuff. It'll be cool! *hugs back*
Whaaaat?! Why do you leave us, rat?!
XD Yeah, I did not think you did. Mmkay, well... It is almost 2 on the AM dial over here in the east, so I had better get my 4 hours of sleep in. Good night, my brothers! *hugs* Much love to you both!
Hey, NED! There's this evil cheese, see, and... are you sure you wanna know? XD ...Mmkay, then! ...You do that!
Is there any way possible we can get it out of you? ... I'm calling House!
*sobs* I'm so sorry, kglory7! It's all my fault! That cheese... is just too strong!
Ooh, I told you not to eat that! *tries calling 911* THERE'S NO ELEVEN ON THIS KEYPAD!!! XD