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  1. Darkcloud
  2. Darkcloud
    Now look who's being silly. ;p
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Magick, Nov 29, 2009
  3. Darkcloud
    The forces of darkness are at it again, this time to ruin Christmas for all the worlds. To do that, not only does Sora have to fight those responsible, but he needs to go to the one world that has the right Christmas magic for the job: In the world of 'A Christmas Carol'.

    No godmodding, no killing, cursing, etc., keep PG-13
    Romance: PG-13
    You get the idea.

    Up to 3 at a time. Can have OC's, too.

    Sora: Key master Sora
    Roxas: Smackdoodle McGiggles

    Bulky Vendor: TheDeadGuy
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Nov 29, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Darkcloud
  5. Darkcloud
  6. Darkcloud
    As soon as this builds up enough posts from anticipation, she'll submit it into a 'kh-vids awards' category.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Darkcloud
    I feel the same way about 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Darkcloud I the only one who didn't understand that vid at all? Like, footage, music, everything?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkcloud
  10. Darkcloud
    You're going to adopt one of the members as pets?'re going to write a Christmas story?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Darkcloud
  12. Darkcloud
    Only reference I got are that men are from Mars, and women are from the other place.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Darkcloud
    aka more men and women?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Darkcloud
    Then the chances are good that you can still be friends.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  15. Darkcloud
    (taking a shot in the dark, here): Kitty's birthday?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Darkcloud
    And bagpipe. Don't forget the bagpipe.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Darkcloud
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Darkcloud
    Were you two good friends before you started dating?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  19. Darkcloud
    Mike, I'm really sorry about what you're going through. All of it, not just what's been going on with you and your friend.

    *sighs* What to do....I'm sorry to say that I've never had this happen to me (from an advice point of view, that is), because I really don't know what to say about this. Never had a friend go through those kind of changes and declare that. I could try and reassure you that this is going to be okay, just a phase, and so on, but I'd be betting more on the fact that you'd either sigh and walk away from this post or punch me in the face. I'm afraid all I can offer right now are observations and possibilities. Maybe that'll help you find a more plausible solution.

    First, your friend. It looks like he's still trying to figure things out, in more ways than one, obviously, but not just with you. What you described about how you felt, I'm assuming, was also affecting him. You guys were obviously pretty tight, and such a loss can really leave a large hole in a person's life. My guess is he was trying to fill it in quickly, hence his orientation change. As for the online friend, I can understand why it would take so long to decide: His best friend leaves, then comes back, and an online friend, who has been helping him with his grief and trying to get him to feel better? It would be a hard decision. You've already seen how much a year can change people. He probably saw some changes in you that he didn't care for, making it more difficult.

    I'm sorry to say that the only thing I can truly advise/say, is to give this time. This is more than a little delicate, and I don't think this will be solved in just a day. I'm sorry, I wish I could help more, assuming I did at all.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  20. Darkcloud
    If you look into the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider series' themselves, they're insanely popular in Japan. Both have been around since the mid-70's.

    Actually, I've got a question about the MMPR: Are you saying they're making the original digital and airing it, or they're completely redoing it, like with new actors and everything? I'm not sure what you meant by that.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media