The only bodies I keep are doll bodies...and action figures. :3
Nope. I don't like putting people in freezers. Myself in the freezer, yes, but no one else.
Nuu, not yet.
Nah, I don't do that kind of thing.
Oooo, they should use the music they made when Adam morphed as the black ranger in Operation Overdrive!
lol, don't worry, I wouldn't do that to you.
If ya have ABC, yu'll get it! They made a new logo for the toyline. Do you think they'll make a new intro sequence?
It would take a looooong time before freezer burn, and besides, I can't fit in there!
Translation: Yes.
Not cold enough for that.
Sho' nuff!
Thank goodness. That scared me just a tad. One thing we don't need is to replace Tommy and his many tatoos.
Okay. Small preview: WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!! *sticks head in freezer door, shakes it rapidly*
lol. 'Man, for a guy with 1800 different kinds of supervision, you are so blind!'
Nah, that's when I go nuts from lack of estrogen. You no wanna see dat. X_X
It's my time of month. Cut me some slack, will ya? Just be glad I'm not going through menopause...yet.
He was definitely better than Rocky.
And yet, you're the one acting suspicious. You with your lol face. sound like you're planning something...what is it?
It would kind of give it away if the mirror's there, wouldn't it?