Have you ever thought about naming yourself something more than just absurd and random (ransurd? abdom?)? I seem to be going through that at the...
......the website has corn.....O_o;
Heartless. I especially liked the neoshadows.
Kinda makes you wonder who else from the previous projects are going to come into BBS. Voices for villains like Hook and Maleficent are gimmes, but I wouldn't be surprised if the voice of Kairi voiced Aqua.
Can we go with just one, and not the other?
Umm...sure, why not? Okie dokie.
Are you saying that's what's going to happen?
Did something happen to your profile? I look at it and it says you don't have any friends, yet you're on my friends list. :huh:
I doubt that; the Dark Days skin is still fairly new.
Are we going to get some kind of new addition to the forums?
I'm more curious about the person who helped kitty out with the shoes. Seemed surprisingly calm, thoughout the ordeal...
Probably not: Veggies and chicken...and pizza. Okay. If not in the afternoon, then later tonight.
Okay...you said it had something to do with the forum...is it in any specific part of the forum, or the entire site itself?
What's so unusual about that?
And you believe her? YOU FOOL!
Btw, I don't have lab tomorrow, so I should be around by 1, give or take a few minutes. :3
You wouldn't like it.
That's my parents frige. Not mine.
Oh yeah? How big is it?
He's a little big to fit in my freezer.