I just thought of something: Do you think we'll find out more about why Kairi can't remember where she came from? We know she's from Radiant Garden, her grandmother was in the Hollow Bastion library, yet, she doesn't remember Aqua or Mickey? Maybe they wiped her memory to make sure she'd live a happy life, or something? Or perhaps a traumatic event?
Bummer...well, I can still hope. I don't remember that. WAHA! Young Kairi's in the game! :D
I dunno...I think I see a blonde patch...it'd be cool if Cloud did appear, too. Anyone else notice that Zack's in black Olympian armor? He's not native...maybe he's getting training from Phil? :huh:
Yeah, Aerith is still in the game, and she dies pretty quickly in the FF series. The fact that Zack is a kid is kind of promising...OH! Maybe we'll see him in futrue KH titles as an adult! :=D: EDIT: lol, if you look closely, you can see a younger Cloud fighting Terra!
O-OWhat do they smell like?
Have you seen my grades?
New ownership? New mod? New cutscenes? New games? Merging with a new site? New forum option? New color change for prems? New options for prems?
Can do, sirrah.
Understandable, sir. Truth be told, I haven't thought much of this completely through. I just want to see your reactions, first (pun intended). I'm a science major, sir. We've been taught to go into any situation prepared, which is why I've brought my interpretor with me to tell me what you're saying. As for the graham crackers you requested, they'll come sushi flavored, and arrive tomorrow morning.
You're half right: It's a braille keyboard. As for deaf, I've got an interprettor here. I'm ashamed most of you would call me those names! >8C
Can I process information at the speed of light?
Can I be faster? Stronger?
No, they saved my head. Thank goodness.
Cool. Mine's in the summer. I found out the hard way: Ouch.
May want to check, especially since Christmas is coming up. O_o It is when you're on a track full of runners: They mean it when they say...
lol, I hear ya. Finals coming up with you, yet? Haven't had much time to pursue those, yet, but, when I have time, I like to draw, read,...
I've had that happen, yeah. Anyway, change of pace, what are your hobbies?
Makes sense...kinda. People I usually accept friend requests from, I tend to talk to. Or at least, try to.
What am I going to do? D:
The only times I've turned down requests were, either, a. I didn't know the person well enough to accept, or b. The person was someone I didn't...