Says...people. << >>
I'm a lousy pumpkin! 8C
Eewwww...that can't be good.
Coolness. Hope you feel good about it.
Yeah, I'm working on a couple of drawings myself.
Okay. Taking a break before I get back to work, later tonight.
Christmas music?
You're making a kh-vids Christmas story
He kind of strikes me more of a 'Starscream' character: He's evil in his own right, he'll follow orders, but at the same time, he's waiting for his own chance to make a move.
Have you ever heard of Happy the blind man?
*pictures lil Zack and older Aerith wil many many babies* O_O; oh boy.
GAAAH! Oh, crap, you beat me. >:
Yay for snow, boo for molesters. Got your gun?
I guess if it's locked away in her heart, it would make sense why Sora saw her, we really don't have enough info for this.
lol, wouldn't surprise me.
Nor I...but, Nomera has a habbit of surprising people, though. Of this much, I'm certain: Since this a co-ed Disney game, and he's a hero (in-training), I'm 98% positive he's not going to die in this game.
Partial amnesia isn't an unlikely possibility, but not a very lasting one, either. I'm not going to rule out Xehanort doing something to her, but I think I'll hold on to a kind of 'mind eraser' thing from Mickey or Aqua; it just seems weird to me that she'd remember her grandmother, but not Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden. Plus, you'd think she'd feel somewhat familar around Mickey when he appears around her in KHII.
*shrugs* Maybe Zack becomes Sephiroth. The FF characters in KH very loosely follow the FF storylines, and we know it's possible for other people (technically remnants) to become Sephiroth. Who knows?