Yes, yes it is. I feel like talking, but I have no idea what to talk about. xD
It put me in so much of a better mood. 8D
They are! You don't believe me? *pouts*
Well, I thought I wasn't going to get back until like 10 o'clock tonight; I was wrong.
IT WAS LOADS OF FUN. Square dances are fun, ^^
Um...we danced and we talked about random stuff? xDD It's all on DP's profile; I'm too lazy to write it out. NVM. Copy and Paste ftw. 8D Mark...
I need to do my dang US History homework. =/
Thank you. <3
Jeez that scared me. o.o I'm only on for a little bit; I have to go to church soon.
Yeah, I know; but he never has the time. He always has chores or baseball practice or something. I was going to invite him over the summer, but I...
I know. He gets 1 million extra points because of that. I think he's now in the trillions. xDD I like being happy. =D My grandparents want him to...
Oh, darn it. D: He's always trying to cheer me up; he's realized I haven't been myself lately, so he's always doing stupid things to cheer me up....
xDDD COME TO NY! I NEED ALL THE SUPPORT I CAN GET. Aw, thanks. It's always nice to talk about this to someone I trust.
Well, he always find a way to stand next to me. Like tonight at the dance; when we were doing another partner thing, he sort of wandered over...
Aw, thank you. Yeah, I know. I've been trying to think of a way to tell him since his birthday in February, but I always chickened out. I was...
Same here; I want a boyfriend...and not just anyone, I WANT HIM. Seriously, remember that one part in...I think it was New Moon...where Bella was...
Been best friends since fifth grade; known each other since kindergarten. Yeah, we're really close.
YAY! 8D Somewhat. xD I don't want it to be so obvious that the whole entire school knows. The school is small and word gets around fast.
That's the same thing that DP says all the time. And Tootsie, darkcloud and many other people who don't come on here anymore. xD I want to be his...
D8 Yes; especially his. They are like crystal blue. Of course; I would never stop liking him. I've liked him since the fifth grade; I don't...