I'm impressed the PSP has lasted this long.
Hey it is scooter pie.
Can't you just reset it in your profile?
Wow pay back is a *****. xD.
I just think that they forgot about it or just are really busy as of late.
Even though it feels like egg white.
I know that ain't me.
Yeah she was only good for being the Jokers b****.
Wow, it must be a pain to beat Ansem at the final part. But I wish you good luck.
You mean Harlie Quinn???
Man...why does ice cream talk to you at late times of the night.
Oh you know I don't believe in voodoo.
I cook always start a cook out....but...well...I don't want the FDA to come back again.
Man....what to do to living this place up.
And it grows silent yet again.
I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
Wow and I thought I could get pretty random around here.
Ummmm just no........
Chat session disconnected.
Nah, granted it might be sweet if they did. But since Normura is making FF vs. XIII for the PS3 due to the fact that they have been loyal to him and he wants to be loyal to him. So probably KH3 will be for the PS3.