here btw ull have to make an account fr this :)
you can but it would be probably DMA since it will be Play as Dark Riku so yea well if it isnt in the first page then no
not these one there is already a thread for Kingdom Hearts Re Chain Of memories
correction Sephiroth
yup same here though i use sum otr sites 2
Hey guys thought i should upload and share all the trailers of Final Fantasy XIII i have so yea enjoy ;)
yup tried tha FFX dumper but tha sdame prob occurs it crashes.......... i think i need to make a command promt or a .bat file but idk how to make tht.............
kk thnx toshi EDIT:ive already downloaded tht dumper but it crahses whenever i open tha file so yea..can u help me...........
guys can sum1 help me i cant edit codes in my MCM cause i dnt have tha decryption engine can any 1 tell me where to downlaod it or help me with this prob...... guys i can really use help with this 1 please...........
does any 1 has final fantasy XII dumper or tell me where to download it??
been almost a week and u still havent cumn up with updates hehe :P
well yea this code is DMA and thawalkin animation fr marly will cause sum bugs in tha code and u cant drive into them cause then ull have to change tha whole code and remake tha whoile code
hmm yea kk :)
hmmm.......... sup...............
well yea thy r u jus got to have tha rght knowledge fr it
hmm tht strange well mayb because tha Riku in tha fight only walks so tht might b tha case.......
hmm i think thts because PS2 cant handle so many data and changes if m nt mistaken
actually it will wrk on AR Max since i used tha code Play as Hooded Roxas in AR Max and Razor also uses AR Max u jus need to seperate tha lines i mean limit them and out on anotr code so yea
hmm wel i dnt thnk tha effect mod will work in PS2 since PS2 cant handle tht much of a code so yea
well tha Keyblades r already present in tha AR Max disk and tha keyblade is called Big Ben and Big Ben small i have those keyblades