11 ! Yay !
8 )
: 3
Taking lots of short naps rather than sleeping for hours. Seems to work fine for me, but I' d better get back to normal this week-end. I meant you might wanna read this part : Limit your nap to 15 minutes. A half hour can lead to sleep inertia, or the spinning down of the brain's prefrontal cortex, which handles functions like judgment. This gray matter can take 30 minutes to reboot.
That' s kinda what I' ve been doing this week, I don' t have any imperative. You might wanna read this before-hand though : http://lifehacker.com/306029/reboot-your-brain-with-a-caffeine-nap
Nevermind, I get it now. Well, you know what they say, if at first you don' t succeed ... cheat ! :lolface: 1000 !
Lol you don' t say ! ^^ I meant the rules of the err ... "game" you' re playing here elude me completely. One ?
There' s not much to remember : a few cutscenes before reaching the Mojave Desert, then a few scenes with Kyle Madigan. As bloo suggested you-tube is your friend when you just want to jolt your memory.