Capcom merely stated that RE6 happens 10 years after the Racoon City incident (which was July 1998). RE5 is set in 2009. If you consider "10 years, eleven months, three weeks, six days, twenty three hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds" to be a valid possibility for "ten years" then RE6 can either be before or after RE5. Oh yeah, I forgot that, it was revealed in the latest trailer. 10 years, eleven months, three weeks, six days, twenty three hours, fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds it is then ...
RE0, RE, RE2, RE Outbreak 1&2, RE3, RE Code Veronica and RE Gaiden (they happen around the same time), Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles (they fill plotholes from RE0 to RE4, with a few added retcons), RE4, RE Revelations, RE5. I have no idea where RE Survivor 1-2-4 and Operation Racoon City fit, I don' t even know if they are suposed to be canon (although when it comes to RE Capcom obviously doesn' t know what that word means). As for the upcoming RE6 Capcom hasn' t released a precise time period yet, but from what they said it happens around the same time as RE5 (a few months before or after).
No one can predict how he would act (or rather react) in an extreme situation. If I base my answer on the way I reacted in life or death situations in the past then I guess time would get really slow all of a sudden, and I would either stay frozen on the spot, thousands of thoughts rattling around in my head, my brain frantically trying to catch a coherent one, or I would merely react without thinking. I don' t support killing people, whatever they did, but my survival instincts and my reflexes don' t really care about my opinions.
I play for entertainment and challenge. Those two don' t necessarily overlap (I' m looking at you, insanely low item drop rates). Well they are a sum of other art forms, so yeah, but I' m more interested in its own unique ingredient, interactivity : it allows narration and direction tricks that movies don' t, although from what I' ve seen it is mainly used as a game device or as a way to implement player choices rather than as a directing device. Most of the time, I usually complete a game before I jump into another. Yeah. For instance every Wii game I own. We' re talking about graphics right ? Not the artistic direction ? A few Squenix games come to mind. It isn' t just gaming, entertainment as a whole has become a huge part of our lives. Humans hate to feel bored, this isn' t exactly groundbreaking news. We just happened to invent computers, which allowed extremely efficient production and distribution tools and gave us loads of free time to kill. It is a fallacy (Machina already explained why), and I' m amazed that some people don' t get that and still throw it around. Machina is right, recessions often led to entertainment booms in the past, however piracy wasn' t a factor back then. As Scruffy mentionned the industry is not exactly booming at the moment. As for the comments about video games prices that I read in the posts above : Spoiler Lousy games that expect to sell on their licensed title alone aren' t a recent fad, they' ve always been plenty of those. ET on Atari 2600 for instance, that game is quite emblematic of this "crappy but licensed" marketing scheme. You seem to equate "innovative" with "good". I don' t. A game can be immensely innovative yet lousy, or not innovative in the slightest yet awesome. When I buy "Resident Fantasy number XVIIVXVI" I' m obviously looking for more of the same recipe, if I actually wanted something innovative I' d buy "That Brand New IP Name" instead. Video games budgets have reached such high numbers that no one is willing to take risks anymore, so more and more developers disguise spin-offs and/or entirely new concepts as famous IP numbered sequels, which infuriates me. Basically the gaming industry is, overall, acting like the Hollywood movie industry (meaning money first, complacency second, and art last if at all ...) A few games made me think about things, namely Silent Hill and Metal Gear games. I don' t have one single favorite, I got dozens of them. I often watched people playing GTA. 99% of the time players were just kicking the missions aside and killing people for fun while trying to escape the police as long as possible. I wrecked a little virtual havoc in Vice City myself, it' s fun at first but it quickly gets dull.
True. I might as well point out that churches have happily married infertile couples for centuries. Agreed. Most Christians cherrypick which of the Bible moral guidelines are the real deal anyway. They kinda have to : if read literally the Bible is a horrible, horrible book, telling people it' s OK to stone babies to death, to own slaves and beat them up, to rape a woman so that you can force her to marry you regardless of her feelings, etc etc ... and to top it all the one who supposedly judge us all in the end is a divine mafia godfather, more concerned about whether we rimmed him good or not than about how harmful our behavior might have been. But I digress, point is everyone should establish their own moral guidelines and keep questioning their validity (on logical standards), unless of course they don' t realize how gullible it would be to accept being spoon-fed X or Y' s moral guidelines without question, or unless being gullible makes them happy (it' s still harmful, but at least it' s their choice). I was thinking the same thing, until I recently stumbled upon an argument against it : no matter which word you pick if its meaning is "marriage for gay people" then it justs won' t fly. It would be condescending, it would contribute to single gay people out (you are a sinner and you know it, "son", lol). When the church suddenly realized it was unfair to not let black people marry they still called it marriage, why would gay marriage need its own special word then ? <-- that was a rhetorical question, I should immediately add that the "because being gay is a sin" answer just doesn' t fly. Let' s just call a cat a cat and a marriage a marriage, m' kay ?
Nomura said that Kairi' s grandmother story was indeed the Kingdom Hearts creation myth, but in a fairy tale form (= wildly inaccurate). Spoiler Long ago people lived in peace, and bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people’s hearts. It covered everything and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It’s the world we live now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That’s why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to innermost darkness will open. And true light will return. So, listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away. In BBS if you compare this tale to what Xehanort says about the Keyblade War in his secret reports you start to notice the two stories overlap, though wild speculation as to what it all means still applies there. Apparently we' ve only seen the Kingdom Hearts world in its remnant state (composed of little "islands", all kept apart from each other by vast amounts of darkness), whereas originally all those little dots formed a single massive world (I like to think of it as Toontown in "Who wants to frame Roger Rabbit ?") I gotta say though, imagining Kairi, Alice, Snow White, Jasmine, Belle, Cinderella and Aurora wildly wielding keyblades around and giving a serious beating to 13 darkness badasses in order to re-birth the world gave me a few chuckles. ^^
How about "with great Bieber comes great responsibilities" ?
I' m a huge fan. I' ll just pick three songs that haven' t been mentioned fifty times already : - Tabloid junkie - Keep the faith - I want you back
And make sure it' s so badly directed that no one understands what the **** is happening anyway. How is "we drank mutagen" more complicated than "we' re aliens" exactly ? But then if changing the back-story won' t even spare the audience some exposure ... why change it at all ? TO BLOW THE AUDIENCE MIND of course !
Well, if they get too far you can just boycott them, as long as money keeps coming their way they don' t give a flying duck about complaints. If they ever step severely on my internet habits or privacy I' ll make sure to avoid giving them a single cent. I' ve got enough backlog stuff to hold on for a long, long while. I' m not sure it would be efficient though : I' ve never bought any DLC nor intend to buy one anytime soon, but most consumers seem to just cough up their money while moaning feebly in protest.
Oh dear ... O_O With a whole week they only made a single matching diagnosis over ten patients (keeping in mind that matching =/= correct) ? It' s even worse than I thought ...
Well, personally if I didn' t feel like I have a mental problem, if my relatives didn' t notice anything disturbingly strange in my behavior, and if a specialist told me there' s nothing wrong with me (as in "you don' t have to pay me more, nor to pay for a bunch of pills that were never proven to cure anything anyway") then no, I wouldn' t worry over a general doctor' s doubts. But that' s just me, if KIRA9400 can' t help having some nagging doubts I guess there' d be no harm in making sure. Oh, btw, I know you deliberately exaggerated, but if your math was accurate psychotherapists would just be a bunch of quacks, no amount of diagnosis could be reliable. ^^
Here' s a lung cancer radio : Spoiler Here' s a bipolar disorder radio : Spoiler Psychology isn' t an exact science. The reason your general doctor sent you to a specialist is pretty simple : she' s just not qualified to make a remotely trusty psychological diagnosis over a short discussion. That' s not her job. If the specialist didn' t notice anything strange and if you don' t feel that there' s something wrong with you ... then why would you want to look further ?
There may be significant differences between our countries here, I' m not sure. Here are a few anecdotes to explain : - One of my friends is a teacher. A few years ago our state decided to switch the official reading teaching method with a controversial one, she was one of the numerous teachers who flat-out disobeyed. Not a single teacher was fired for that. - My first philosophy teacher chose to ignore the program completely. Funnily many students, who only had their exams grades in mind, started boycotting her courses and complaining to the higher-ups. In the end they were threatened of expulsion if they didn' t resume attending to all their courses, and she was never forced to drop her self-made program. Although there are controls and a few absolutely forbidden things, teachers still have a fairly decent freedom margin here. You meant "can' t", right ? I hope what I just said above clarified my stance. Styx raised a very good point though, don' t you think quite a few shady characters with dubious intentions would suddenly improvise themselves as "teachers" ? You know, gurus, cartel affiliates, your refreshing all-out nut-job etc ... "freer" does not necessarily equates "better" in my book. I would be absolutely delighted to improve and/or encourage teachers' freedom, but allowing all-out unrestricted freedom ? Hell no ! We could also plead for compulsory lessons about educated consumption/production, though I have a hunch you' re not gonna like this. I' d like to add that school isn' t the only available tool to educate people, you can take it upon yourself to inform people in other ways. Hmmm, would people have been more reasonable consumers if they didn' t have mandatory education ? Maybe, maybe not. Since money was part of the equation long before compulsory schooling I suspect they would have anyway, but I guess we' ll never know for sure. Spoiler [video=youtube;GorHLQ-jLRQ][/video]
Here' s a quote from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it summarizes my opinion about ESP quite well : Everyone can decipher the human behavior, some people are just naturally better at it (or more trained at it) than others. Most people don' t realize all the rules and nuances of human behavior on a conscious level (as, say, mentalists do), instead their brain intuitively process the evidence gathered by their five senses on a subconscious level. If I was to explain fore-telling dreams I would assume they rely on the exact same information processing mechanisms, nothing supernatural about it. Personally I don' t remember experiencing any fore-telling dream, and when it comes to reading human behavior I' m average-skilled.
I wouldn' t even describe PE 1 and 2 as survival horrors, although their stories are slightly horrific and their basic controls are the same as in RE their game mechanics are closer to A-RPGs. You don' t avoid the monsters to spare precious time, health and ammo, it' s quite the opposite, you hunt every last one of them to gain as much exp and money as you can. As for other SE survival horror games the only one that come to mind is Nanashi no Game.
It depends who I' m talking to and what I' m talking about really, I don' t stick to any general rule. About the "that' s gay" case, there are a few matching expressions in French but they don' t imply "gay" to be a synonym for "weird" or "stupid". They are rather used to describe a fashion choice or a behavior stereotypically associated to homosexuals. I guess in both cases it' s only as derogatory as you choose to make it. ^ This. So much. Political correctness is an insult to our intelligence. It doesn' t lift any barrier, it enforces them. I mean come on, "our friends from down south" is ****ing hilarious, it' s so awkward and detached you cannot help but wonder if he/she actually has any friend down there. I hold that no word is derogatory in and of itself. When people pay more attention to the word package I chose than to its actual content/intent, implying some of the words I chose are necessarily narrow-minded choices, I can' t help smiling at the irony of the whole situation.