Name: Patrice Gender: Male Age: 32 Country of Residence: France Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian How would you define feminism? I' d define it as an intellectual movement militating for rights equality regardless of sex or gender, and a few rights specific to woman (abortion, contraception etc ...). How would you describe a modern-day feminist? See above ? I don' t see how the "modern-day" part is relevant. How do you think society views feminists? Positively I suppose, misogynists aside (they view them as a bunch of castrating *****es/****). Do you think there is still a need for feminism in today’s day and age, or do you feel women are treated equally? In France, statistically (but not always), a woman earns less money for a given job than a man would. In divorce cases the juridic battles over the children tutoring are usually won by women. Homosexuals don' t have the same legal rights as heterosexuals (most notably regarding marriage). Finally, discrimination based upon sex and/or gender is not that uncommon here. Feminism is clearly still needed. Oh and btw, the fact that this has test a different set of questions for each sex for no good reason I can think of says volume on the subject at hand. It implicitly states that a man cannot be a feminist, gotta love the irony !
Oh the fallacy ... "You don' t have any proof that God doesn' t exist, so you should believe in Him until you have one." Actually I really shouldn' t. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim.
- Do you have rock-solid alternatives (yes, plural, life is tough), something you know you' ll like for sure (as in you already did it for real, not as in "heh, looks fine to me from where I stand"), or at least something you would not hate with a passion ? - Are you certain your problem won' t affect your work life in any way ? If not, you might want to remain in school as long as you haven' t found how to cope with it, betting your income on a whim wouldn' t be the smartest move ever.
You know what to do.
I fixed that for you.
I have no clue what I' m signing for. Et d' une victime, une !
Poe' s law. Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is utterly impossible to parody extremism in such a way that someone won't mistake it for the genuine article.
Are you kidding ? It' s ****ing legendary ! When I saw Charles Dance in Game of Thrones I yelled "Hey, that' s good' ol Benedict !" XD Huh ? Most ? Who ?
The World Ends With You ?
Eternal Darkness Sanity' s Requiem ?
Beyond Good and Evil.
Resident Evil Zero ?
I thought of it, but if that' s the right answer then I wonder what genre they' re talking about. Yours is too vague for me, sorry.
Dirge of Cerberus.
Yup, featuring RE4 and CVX. Another one featuring both Chronicles games is in the works.
Genre defining ones ? Hmm ... Resident Evil HD Collection ?
Forbidden Siren 2. I think it wasn' t released in NA. The SBC remake helped me to understand the plot of the original FS, but plot clarity aside compared to FS1&2 it' s a piece of garbage indeed.
Nope, although I do own that one, but you' re on the right track.