The worst part is that it's official content that was actually made by someone working for Nintendo.
Yeah, but with a lot of people (Amaury, for example) you kind of have to come off as a dick in order to get your point across, especially when those people are clearly smart enough to get it but seem to refuse to because most people are so nice about it. YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU DAMN COMMIE BASTURD. MURICA HAS FREEDOM AND GUNS AND APPLE PIE AND RON PAUL AND THE BEST GOD BLESSED MILITARY IN THE WORLD EXCEPT FOR ENGLAND AND GERMANY AND RUSSIA AND ALL THOSE OTHER COMMIE COUNTRIES THAT DON'T COUNT BECAUSE THARE COMMIES.
"Oh wow, that guy is driving really badly! I'd better get out my camera, turn it on, point it at him, and capture it on video, all while I'm driving and the road should have my complete and undivided attention."
Mass is not the same thing as weight. What about the weight that the words carry depending on who says them and what they are? Depending on the topic, The Fuk?'s words may carry more weight than Fearless's word which in turn carries way more weight than Amaury's. Yes, but moments can still be "heavy," can't they? Take, for example, the moment when a person receives news that someone important to him or her has died. That's a heavy moment for some heavy news, if you ask me.
When did he say that you were pissed at the alcohol?
Rude x2 in the nude.
Yeah, but I can't understand them if they don't apply to me. The whole point of an example is to put things into terms that your audience can understand. If it doesn't do that, then it fails as an example.
Why do you keep referring to me in those examples? None of them apply to me.
Since when do, "Never doing this again," and "This is hard," mean the same thing?
On my way home via bicycle when I decided to try the bike path to see if it led to the nearby school's parking lot as an easier way of getting across the park overpass like I thought. I pedaled for several minutes before ending up in a neighborhood on a street that I swear ran parallel to Livingston (the road I was originally on) and thought, "Alright, I think I know where I am. I just need to turn right at the next intersection to get back to Livingston." I kept going and eventually ended up on Livingston without ever turning. I call witchcraft.
I did. Most of them seem like things that a person in control of his or her anger wouldn't get mad about very easily. Hearing people closing their car doors makes you angry? Really? Do you expect them to just leave them open to avoid making noise that's not even loud enough for most people notice? Excuse me for going all Freudian on you, but that could mean that you have some past issue with her that you need to work out. Maybe you guys should go to counseling?
I might have said that, but I haven't played either of them yet so I'm in no position to say such a thing.
I'm no expert, but it sounds to me like you have an actual anger problem. Do you really think it's not a problem when you get angry enough to get violent over a something as trivial as a video game? Before you do anything else, I'd suggest finding a professional to find out if that's really the case and, if it is, make time for an anger management class. It also has Scribblenauts Unlimited, two of the F.E.A.R. games, and Lord of the Rings: War in the North. Overall, it seems like a great bundle and currently you can get it all for just $5. This bundle supports the charity We Can Be Heroes.
Just the tip?
When did I move to London and how drunk must I have been to think it was a good idea?
Scandal in the Rap World! Did Chris Rock plagiarize and profit from an innocent forumgoer's poem? We think so, and so should you! Join us for a hard hitting exposé on the how rappers do this all the time and why it needs to be stopped! Are violent video games to blame? Probably! This and more at 11, only on Fox News.
Stop showing off, ya fried wiener.