YOU DON'T LOVE ME. YOU DON'T KNOW MY STRUGGLE. B-but I kinda l-like you, you idiot.
I avoid wearing anything on my feet whenever possible. Socks and shoes just feel... icky to wear. Oddly enough, many Barbarians didn't even have shoes to wear outside, let alone indoors.
You fool! Those teeth were the only wise thing about you!
WHERE DO I SIGN?! Why does spam have to be entertaining?
This is the story of a man named Amaury. Amaury posted on a website with a big forum where he was Member Number 3091. Member Number 3091's job was simple: he sat at his desk in room 3091, and he made threads in the Spam Zone. Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk, telling him what threads to make, how boring to make them, and in what order. This is what Member 3091 did every day of every month and every year, and although others might have considered it soul-rending, Amaury relished every moment that the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job. And Amaury was happy.
This thread blew my mind.
I'm from the United States, you see.
Because it's about Facebook. Which, you know, had an update.
So what's the difference in what they mean?
So what's the difference between those and the word MOBILE showing up?
Then why have I been able to tell the difference between web and mobile for over a year now?
They've had that for more than a year.
Was there a choice between a "Quick" and "Custom" installation?
Then why did you say that you're just similar to a genius?
Forced updates have been a thing for a lot longer than that.[DOUBLEPOST=1384795741][/DOUBLEPOST] But you aren't actually a tech genius, right?
And you can show them at Show and Tell.
Last I checked, Show and Tell is on Friday, not Monday. You can bring Ellie then, alright?
Now see here, I'm not raising some harlot! Now get back in the shower before you're late for school. I don't care if I have to drive you.
Did you remember to wash behind your ears? You know I want you clean when you go to school.