Ha, I feel your pain. My dad complains every time he has to give me lunch money XD So you cant have it back till one day less then a month XP Will...
And torrent is roughly 20% done :)
And your wasting your energy explaining this LOL So, why did they take away your computer anyways? You bought it with your own hard earned money,...
Oh, I could honestly care less if you knew or didn't know it lol. Not many people anywhere know about it. They stopped showing it a few years ago...
lol McDonald's is an American owned business XD Nearly anything you get from it is American. But yea, big mac is good lol. I am back, and believe...
lol What part of, and I copy and paste quote, "That's my que to get off the computer lol. Later bro :D" did you not get? XD I wasn't ignoring you,...
lol Sorry, I was on remote access and the bell rang XD I wanted to leave something XD And if you couldn't tell, that.... *cough* spoiler...
I guess I could, but I absolutely loath the reformatted version of khv on my phone lol. I would bring my psp, but I would need to hunt down a...
Muchos thankyouis :D By the way, I cant stay and chat, going out to dinner. Going to olive garden, so I get to be smansy tonight lol. Just run...
lol Your no fun! XD But I understand, tis gone XD That's my que to get off the computer lol. Later bro :D
lol which is better? Burger king or McDonald's? By the way, dad just got home, will be leaving soon.
lol Its available here, but if you want common American McDonald, go with big mac lol Every American knows what it is. Yea, I know the feeling,...
lol Prepare a feast! XD ..... Never mind.... We will do the cooking LOL Or just stop at MC Donald's or Burger king XD Either works If you were to...
Yes, sorry lol. Lost on youtube XD
Oh, sorry, no XP Sure, I mean if you are up for it :) I would appreciate it :)
lol A very valid point XD We could both go to school, find the ass from french, and make like the mid evil days and rip him limb from limb :3 lol...
Memory lane is by no means a grave yard. Well, it could be I guess, but not to me. To visit "Memory lane" just means you go somewhere you have not...
lol a lot of people say a clone or a twin would drive them insane, and they would fight to the death till there is one left XD You aren't one of...
lol That is a random quote XD
lol Would you like a twin? I kinda would, and I guess I do XD