Ah. Shouldn't be too long. I finished mine in a few days lol. Of coarse, I spent every waking minute trying to beat it, but not the point... LOL...
lol Deal XD I will put red food dye in mine and make it look like blood XD
*looks at water balloon* >.> It can be fixed <.< LOL I see. How has work been anyways? Haven't burnt the building down yet? lol
lol Hellz to the yea XD One summer I am just going to order a box of them and see what mayhem I unfold XD
How come? How far away is your cousin?
lol Its just my size! :D lol. That's something I should do one summer. Actually, that is something I WILL do XD I'll get two of them, and see what...
I am good. Watching stuff explode. I just watched a six foot water balloon :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=j_OyHUqIIOU
I am good :D I want a water balloon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=j_OyHUqIIOU
lol I wish you luck, even if you aren't telling to tell me XD But do you really think I would steal your game ideas? lol Anywho, how are you? :D
lol Swahili... AWESOMESAUCE.png!!! :D lol So, how are you? :D
Care to explain via PM about your new game? :D And that's alright, I don't mind.
Right up there with carpe diem :D Actually, nah. It surpasses carpe diem. Too many childhood memories not to XD
Hakuna Matatta, probably the most epic saying ever XD What language is it anyways? lol
I would say its worth buying. Tell me what you think of it :)
Tis awesome :D Somewhat gothic, but I like it :D
When you get your hands on one, photoshop is your friend, because you can install a plugin for textures and such....
Depends on how you mean make a character. Something that alot of people overlook is that Unity is a game engine. Unity is not designed to create...
lol I am afraid you need some knowhow as well. The language you see used in the tutorial is Java. You can also use Cscript and a few others :D
lol Well, you need some scripting knowledge to start off. Just some basic stuff, you shouldn't have to go too complicated. Just follow the...
So, you say you have workers, have you made any progress on the game itself? lol