Did you try starting up the computer with food in your lap? o:
Kitty is purty o:
$50 dollars less. You forgot to add the memory card adapter. And like I said, the PS3 can play most games, not all. So if one of your games isnt on the list of playable games, then you cant use it at all.
Gaaah, you're just too cute sis x3. So what were you reading?
What happened to the poser contest? ;3;
All you need is a copy of Chrono Trigger in your hands and I'd give you the wedding ring now xD. But seriously, amazing cosplay. And ask next time ask before you steal my chair D:
Well you could just get the 40GB for $400 and a PS2 for like $70-80 because the ps3 can only play most ps1 and ps2 games, while the ps2 can play all of them. That way you would save a few bucks and wouldnt have to buy a memory card adapter to transfer your save files.
They still show this D:
You are very welcome :3
I wish my grandma was that cool.
Alot .
Earthbound all the way for me :D
Can I combine awesome and amazing into one word? You're really great at this mel-chan. I especially like the abyss one. Your talent is very exceptional for your age. I wish you had a super large gallery so that I could look at them all day lol. Awesome work though. I cant wait for more~
Sanda is looking very lovely. Puprple is your color ;D
I dont see a problem with all the Limited edition games. You arent forced to buy them or anything. If you want extra stuff, then get it. If not, then just buy the regular game.
I like pocky. Not strawberry pocky though. And I really need some moar hi-chew. This mango one is making me sick ;~;
This made me lol :3
You know your insane when you support InuKage relationships.