Santanna is so cute there x3. Looks like you had lots of fun. But why cake and no cupcakes?
I cant help it, it suits you <_> You know you're insane when you play on a sucky softball team.
Monsters remind me of Doom 3 o: But Siren is looking sweet so far. Sadly, its beating the crap out of Silent Hill in terms of graphics and its looking more darker at the moment. I cant wait to get my hands on this one though.
I cant wait. I'll finally have a game to play on my PS3 thats worth more than a rent, other than the Orange box. And the fact that this got such a high score even furthers my excitement~
I give. Hissy wins! D:
I'll play. I still have the trial and full versions still installed o:
What does the winner recieve? D:
Yay. Tootz is finally filling the threads with her hotness. Really great haircut~
Who's that little girl riding on top of you? o:
Nooope :3
Whats that between your teeth? *guitar solo* Corn. Whats that between your teeth? *guitar solo* Chicken. By: My sister
Seems like a pretty awesome idea. The outcome would be so funny to hear xD
Kay is just too pretty. I had to give her my leg ;~;