Yeah, I'm gonna go find Vincent now, that way.. He can use his vampire powers if this story really happens.. Wow, this is fun!!
..Sure? Maybe? ... I don't care? Um...
Man, I haven't done that dance in forever! Does anyone remember the Cha Cha Slide? That's.. interesting...
I know, I was about to explode. CHOCOLATE! I LOVE YOU! *sings with Namine 4.0* I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it, You like to, MOVE IT!
My computer just shut down on me >.< Hah, no problem. Wow, parking lot in LA? Whoa. I do that all the time, but I'm not supposed to :)
Sweeet, I'm not the only peanut butter-fanperson. *gives away jars from magic pocket* Man, I love that thing. You can store just about anything in there...
OREOS! Why didn't I think of that? *bashes head* Sure! Have at it! Enough peanut butter for everyone who wants some! :D
Yeah! I wouldn't miss it for the world :) Woo! Nachos and cookies? My God, I'm in heaven! Did anyone bring peanut butter? If not... *pulls jar out of magical pocket* Lookie what Raine brought!
Hey, guys! What's up? Not too late am I? ^_^'''
Waldorfworldwide - Good Charlotte
Hah, okay, so I was in second period and it was a half day so we were watching a movie... TV: *makes noise* Erica: I need to get some Holy Water so I can spray it on the TV and see if it hisses at me. TV: *makes noise again* Me: More like an exorcist! Then this one time we were in band class... Teacher: You're like, "BAH!" Okay? STOP THAT! Coray: So, you want us to back off? Me: No, she wants you to play as loud as possible. *rolls eyes* Teacher: No, I want you to back off, Coray.
I have! No, I don't think it has been yet. If they have, I'm very unaware O.o
Heh, you've all got some pretty normal names. Mine's like.. whoa. It's... Macie. Don't ask.
I understand what you're saying, but why would a terrorist TELL people that they were gonna bomb something? Wouldn't they want less people to know about it?
East Coast Anthem - Good Charlotte
^ I love that song! The Click - Good Charlotte
That's really good! I like it
Cadillac - Mest
Carousel - Blink 182
I like them both, but... Cloud, hands down. Look at that sword!